Endowment & Legacy Giving

The future of Kingswood College is secured through two endowments, namely the Kingswood College Centenary Trust and the Kingswood College Scholarship and Bursary Trust. The different focus areas of the Trusts give donors a choice as to how they would prefer their investment in the College to be channelled.

Both Trusts are overseen by an independent Board of Trustees comprising of both Council and Old Kingswoodian representatives. Through prudent investments and careful management, monies donated to Kingswood College are well looked after and wisely spent. 


  • Mr Jonty Fincham (Chairman)
  • Mr Alistair Collier
  • Mr Alex Elliot
  • Mr Brian Stocks
  • Mr Bruce Brown
  • Mr James Starke
  • Adv Lawrence Schafer 

Scholarship and Bursary Trust

"Open the doors of educational opportunity at Kingswood, thereby ensuring the sustainability of the College from generation to generation."

Kingswood’s scholarships and bursaries have opened the doors of opportunity for countless pupils, offering them and their families the life-changing education synonomous with Kingswood. Donors can ensure the College’s sustainability across generations by establishing an endowment or contributing to funds such as the Legends Fund or other named funds within the Trust.

Named scholarships and bursaries within the Kingswood College Scholarship and Bursary Trust:

  • HP de Villiers Scholarship Fund
  • Boyce/Attwater Scholarship
  • Strakosch Scholarship
  • Wally Judge Scholarship
  • Trevor Stewart Scholarship
  • Liddiard Family Bursary
  • Macmillan Scholarship Fund
  • Michael Bandey Scholarship

Centenary Trust

"Ensure the future security of our historic school by supporting our programmes and campus development."

The Kingswood College Centenary Trust is essential to the ongoing renewal and growth of our school. The Trust is designed to provide financial support to Kingswood, enabling it to offer a well-rounded educational experience, encompassing academics, cultural enrichment, and sports, while also helping the school acquire resources and property that enhance its offerings. By choosing to invest in the Centenary Trust, you contribute to a legacy of philanthropy that extends beyond the present, reflecting a deep commitment to Kingswood’s enduring mission. This investment ensures the continued success of Kingswood, with your support playing a vital role in shaping the future and upholding our legacy for generations to come.

Projects Supporting the Centerary Trust:

  • Sage Momentum Fund and Stanlib Investment
  • Jubilee Pathway
  • Bequests
  • Myschool Card

Leaving a Legacy to Kingswood

As you think about your connection with Kingswood College and your plans for the future, we invite you to consider leaving a gift to the future pupils of Kingswood in your will.

Legacies are often the most significant gift a person can make. Remembering a charity such as the Kingswood College Trust in your will can have a profound impact for generations and can be a very special way to create a legacy that transcends time. Of course, families come first when you make your estate plans, but bequests to charitable institutions are also exempt from tax and may lead to savings in the amount of estate duty payable by your heirs.

How Can I Pledge A Legacy?
Making a legacy pledge is simply a statement of your intention to do so when you complete a legacy pledge form. To leave a legacy to Kingswood, please contact Megan Erasmus [Kingswood Foundation Office].