Want to learn more about Kingswood Junior School? Join us for this Virtual Information Session where you can meet with, and engage, with our Junior School leaders and have all your questions answered. These live, interactive sessions are hosted on Zoom and can be joined from wherever you are in the world! Tuesday, 06 July 2021 at 17h00 (CAT / GMT +2). Click here to RSVP.
This past weekend a number of our Kingswood pupils took part in the first of three Get Out and Run trails at Langley park.
Our pupils volunteered their Sunday to help marshal and assist in this community event which seeks to get our local community out into nature and more familiar with their surrounds.
Old Kingswoodians and friends of Kingswood, please join us for a fantastic day of golf at the Wanderers Golf Club on Friday the 9th of July in support of the OK Club Gauteng branch.
Leadership Institute Short Course: “Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others” – Jack Welch. Join Dave Stevens (OK 1998) from Legitimate Leadership as he shares the secret to true leadership, in your own life and in the lives of those you lead.
Monday 14 June. Register to attend this virtual talk FREE!
Twenty-five pupils entered the Eastern Cape SASMT (South African Society of Music Teachers) Mini Maestro Digital Music Competition this year.
On a quiet winter’s night and in the darkness, a lone bell rang out. Getting louder and louder with each ring, the bell signalled that all was not well. The first subtle smell of smoke became stronger and more powerful with each whiff, as it drifted off across the valley and over our town. The flames, once small and simmering, become more angry with each passing minute. School House was, burning. On the 25th anniversary of the fire, we remember this night.
Our BYs (Bridging Year pupils) recently completed an introductory Enneagram course with our Chaplain, Rev Tim. Rev Tim has not only been working with the Enneagram for over a decade but is also an internationally certified Enneagram trainer and coach.
We congratulate Kingswood pupils, Ross Liddell and Jean-Luc Basson on being selected to represent the Eastern Province for Hockey.
Last week we heard news about OK Aidan Hawkesworth from Zambia, who matriculated from Kingswood in 2017. Aidan enrolled with the British Army 2020 and while it’s still early on in his career, his aspirations of getting to Sandhurt are looking promising.
A proud moment for Rosco Speckman (OK 2008)! Rosco (1st left in middle row) will make his Springbok debut against Georgia tomorrow, the 2nd of July 2021.