Leadership Institute Short Course: “With crisis comes opportunity, but only if you own it” with Kelly Bentley – founder and CEO of The Rebel Element. Monday, 29 March. Register to attend this virtual talk FREE!
The KJPA (Kingswood Junior Parent’s Association) invites you to join them for their Easter virtual run, yes you read right, a VIRTUAL RUN!
“…Renaming Burton Street after Rev Dr Simon Gqubule is not about trying to wipe away our past. It is about continuing our journey, into the future with the grace, vision, passion for education and zest for life that embodied the man that was Simon Gqubule. He is now part of our history, part of the fabric of our school, our country and our journey…” – Mr Warrick Strachan (Chairman of the Kingswood College Council)
Yesterday our Kingswood boys marked International Women’s Day by recognising the women that form part of the Kingswood family.
This weekend as part of our Foundation Weekend celebrations, Kingswood will pay homage to the life of Reverend Dr Simon Gqubule by renaming the street which runs through Kingswood College campus to Reverend Dr Simon Gqubule Avenue. This event will go down in our school’s history as a momentous occasion for all that were there to mark this event.
The Junior Championship Gala took place on Saturday 6 March. Boys and girls from all age groups competed to gain points for their respective houses.
This morning we live-streamed our Spirituality Team Members’ Induction Service. COVID-19 has delayed this service but we were glad to finally induct and pray for those who serve in different ministries here at Kingswood.
Leadership Institute Short Course: Leadership and Culture Development in Sport, Wednesday, 15 March. Register to attend this virtual talk FREE!
Kingswoodians from the Midlands region headed to the Mill Cricket Ground on the farm Spring Grove near Bedford on Sunday 07 March to watch a cricket match and to simply enjoy each other’s company. Due to covid protocols the annual Bedford Dinner could not take place so branch Chairman Chris Hobson decided that an outdoor gathering would be just the right recipe and so it was…