2021 Bridging Year Virtual Information Session September

Thursday, 03 September at 17h00 (CAT / GMT+2) . Not sure where life is leading after Grade 12? Apply for the Kingswood Bridging Year programme for 2021. Kingswood is launching an exciting programme for 2021 Bridging Year students, join us for this virtual information session to learn more!

CLUB NEWSNEWS Kingswood Celebrates Women Alet van der Westhuysen

Women’s Month Series #7 – Dr Alet van der Westhuysen OK 2008

KC Women’s Month Series #7: Dr Alet van der Westhuysen is currently undertaking post-doctoral research at Emory University in the United States where her main research focus is the development of novel nucleoside-based therapeutics for COVID-19. Considering the tremendous impact that this pandemic is having on a global scale, she is hopeful that she will be able to contribute to meaningful and potentially ground-breaking science.

CLUB NEWSNEWS Kingswood Celebrates Women Luntu Ntloko

Women’s Month Series #6 – Ms Luntu Ntloko (OK 1993)

KC Women’s Month Series #6 Ms Luntu Ntloko (OK 1993). Luntu is a Sports Marketing Specialist with over 10 years of experience and an accomplished sportswoman.
She represented South Africa in Hockey at the highest level during the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, becoming the first black woman to play field hockey at this level for South Africa.

CLUB NEWSNEWS Kingswood Celebrates Women Ashley Wood

Women’s Month Series – Ms Ashely Wood (OK 2002)

KC Women’s Month Series: “…as much as you can plan your life and have various checkpoints and tick boxes, life will inevitably take twists and turns that throw you off this path. So long as you keep the vision in sight, you can still always achieve those milestones but the journey may well be very different. You also find out a lot about who you are and who “your people” are during the toughest of these climbs.” – Ms Ashley Wood (OK 2002)

CLUB NEWSNEWS Kingswood Celebrates Women Mphokolo Makara

Women’s Month Series – Ms Mphokolo Makara (OK 1999)

Our KC Women’s Month Series continues this week and we have the privilege today of profiling Ms Mphokolo Makara who matriculated from Kingswood College in 1999.

“…I am grateful that I come from a family of love that always supports even my wildest dreams, knowing that no matter what happens, there is someone out there who cares and will be there, should I stumble…” – Mphokolo Makara

CLUB NEWSNEWS Mphokolo Makara Dr Sarah Kraus

Women’s Month Series – Dr Sarah Kraus (OK 1999)

Women’s Month Series: “…The bigger your successes, the more likely you are to have big failures. Don’t be afraid of them, they’re important. You will probably learn more from your failures than your successes and they might actually enable you to become successful in a way you did not anticipate…” – Sarah Kraus ‘1999