Nelson Mandela Day 2020

Our school, our country and indeed the entire world are facing one of the most devastating crises in human history. To despair would not be an unreasonable response. However, as we celebrate the life and legacy of Nelson Mandela today, the first president of a democratic South Africa, we would do well to consider his words quoted above, to guide our response to the present and perhaps future challenges we may face


And they played on

South Africa has recently passed 100 days of lockdown and the end of the road is by no means visible. A new journey can be daunting and challenging, yet fun and rewarding. And so it had been for the members of the Music School, both teachers and pupils.


#MusicMonday with Victor on the piano

Today for #MusicMonday we feature Victor, one of our youngest music pupils. He began piano lessons with Mrs Smith in May 2019, when he was in Grade 1. Here Victor is playing three pieces: “Giojoso” by Telemann, “Impertinence” by Handel and “Minuet in G” by Bach.