More Reunions and Events


The Kingswood community is friendly and sociable. We work hard to make everyone feel welcome, whether you come regularly to events or this is your first one. Reunions are the only events specifically for Old Kingswoodians, otherwise we welcome all Kingswoodian Club members (OKs, past and present Kingswood staff, parents, council members and invited friends of the College) to join us when local events or larger school events occur.

We are very proud of the fact that our events are always well attended, with a broad range of ages being represented. Whether you regularly attend Kingswoodian Club or OK Club events, have never been to one, or have just left Kingswood, you are all very welcome indeed. As always, ‘the more, the merrier’!


Legends Golf Day 2025

Save the date for the annual Kingswood Legends Golf Day to be held at the Belmont Golf Club in Makhanda, on Thursday, 13th of June, 2024. The Legends Golf Day will be held on the Thursday before the much anticipated K-Day weekend.


K-Day 2024 Wrap Up

The annual K-Day celebrations from the 11-15 June 2024 we a resounding success. From Sport to culture, supporters were treated to it all.


Legends Golf Day Online Auction

We are thrilled to announce that an online auction has been launched in aid of the Legends Fund in conjunction with the annual Legends Golf Day, happening next Thursday, the 13th of June.

EVENTSPAST EVENT Senior School Drama Production of: Clue

Senior School Drama Production: Clue

Kingswood College Senior Drama Production: CLUE.
Join us for an evening of secret identities, blackmail and murder, as we travel through Boddy Manor on the hunt for who “dunnit”. With your favourite Cluedo characters coming to life on stage this show is set to have you in stitches!

An evening of entertainment with cabaret style tables and a cash bar available. Tickets can be bought individually or as a full table.

EVENTSPAST EVENT Legends Bursary Fund Golf Day 2024

Legends Golf Day 2024

Save the date for the annual Kingswood Legends Golf Day to be held at the Belmont Golf Club in Makhanda, on Thursday, 13th of June, 2024. The Legends Golf Day will be held on the Thursday before the much anticipated K-Day weekend.


2024 OK Club AGM Notice

Notice of the annual general meeting of the Old Kingswoodian Club to be held in the Wyvern Club on Saturday, the 16th of March 2024, commencing at 09h00


Parents’ Week 2024: 2– 8 October 2024

Each year, Parents Week provides us with the space to pause, reflect, and to acknowledge the achievements of our pupils.

Highlights of the week are our Valedictory, Induction and Confirmation Services, the OK Club Tie Presentation, and our Junior and Senior Prizegivings.


2023 OK Club Tie Presentation Ceremony

The Old Kingswoodian Club warmly invites the Matric Class of 2023 and their parents to join them for the Old Kingswoodian Club Tie Presentation Ceremony at 17h00 on the 8th of October at Kingswood College. The OK Club Tie Ceremony will precede the Matric Leavers Dinner.


Kingswood College Candlelight Concert

Our Kingswood College Music School is delighted to announce their next musical offering: A Candlelight Concert.

18h30, Friday, 2 June 2023 at the Kingswood College Chapel (donations will be taken at the door).


Hello Cathcart

Hello Cathcart. Kingswood is coming! We will be in Cathcart on Wednesday 24 May 2023. Come find out first-hand WHAT sets us apart, and WHY you should join the Kingswood family. We are also celebrating 50 years of coeducation at Kingswood in 2023! So, join us to find out more.


Discover the Kingswood Pre-Primary

We will be hosting a Pre-Primary Open Morning on Friday, 26 May 2023, and would love for you and your family to join us for a fun morning of learning, exploring and discovering our Kingswood Pre-Primary.


K-Day 2023

K-Day week is almost upon us! We are so looking forward to having our parents and broader Kingswood community come and support our pupils as they take on St Andrew’s College, St Andrew’s Preparatory School and the Diocesan School for Girls in the much-anticipated annual derby between our schools.


Legends Golf Day – 2023

Save the date for the annual Kingswood Legends Golf Day to be held at the Belmont Golf Club in Makhanda, on the 15th of June, 2023. The Legends Golf Day will be held on the Thursday before the much anticipated K-Day weekend.


11th Annual U13 Water Polo Festival

It’s time to show off your skills and all that you have learnt about the game we call water polo. This year marks the 10th Anniversary of this festival, and we look forward to giving water polo players with an opportunity to learn and grow from their interactions with other talented players.


Kingswood Senior Virtual Information Session: 27 February 2023

Want to learn more about Kingswood College? Join us for this Virtual Information Session where you can meet with, and engage, with our Senior School leaders and have all your questions answered. These live, interactive sessions are hosted on Zoom and can be joined from wherever you are in the world! Monday 27 February 2023 at 18h00 (CAT / GMT +2).


Discover Kingswood 2023

Join us for the inaugural Discover Kingswood Experience to see what makes Kingswood College truly special, and what it has to offer you and your family.

Kingswood College is so much more than just a school… It is an inexplicable feeling of family, togetherness and belonging that you need to experience first-hand.


Hello East London!

Hello East London. Kingswood is coming! We will be in East London on Thursday 16 February 2023. Come find out first-hand WHAT sets us apart, and WHY you should join the Kingswood family. We are also celebrating 50 years of coeducation at Kingswood in 2023! So join us to find out more.


Hello Gqeberha (Port Elizabeth)!

Hello Gqeberha. Kingswood is coming! We will be in Gqeberha on Tuesday 21 February 2023. Come find out first-hand WHAT sets us apart, and WHY you should join the Kingswood family. We are also celebrating 50 years of coeducation at Kingswood in 2023! So, join us to find out more.


Hello Botswana!

Kingswood is coming to Gaborone on Friday 10 February 2023. Come find out first-hand WHAT sets us apart, and WHY you should join the Kingswood family. We are also celebrating 50 years of coeducation at Kingswood in 2023! So, join us to find out more.


Hello Johannesburg!

Hello Johannesburg. Kingswood is coming! We will be in Johannesburg on Thursday 9 February 2023. Come find out first-hand WHAT sets us apart, and WHY you should join the Kingswood family. We are also celebrating 50 years of coeducation at Kingswood in 2023! So, join us to find out more.


2023 OK Club AGM Notice

Notice of the annual general meeting of the Old Kingswoodian Club to be held in the Wyvern Club on Saturday, the 12th of March 2023, commencing at 09h00


Reunions 2023

There’s no better way to celebrate the black and red than a return to campus to reconnect with old friends, meet new ones and take in all that Kingswood has to offer.


Foundation Day Weekend 2023

Foundation Weekend is a special event in our calendar – it’s a time when all of us, staff, pupils, parents and Old Kingswoodians, can reflect on our shared past and imagine our great future together. 2023 also marks a major milestone for Kingswood College as we celebrate 50 years of co-education at Kingswood College.


Kingswood College U10 – U13 Water Polo Clinic 2023

Join us for a fun, interactive and full training camp focusing on skill development for Water Polo players at all levels. This is a great way to kick-start the upcoming Water Polo season. Two days of jam-packed polo, learning from some of the best. Provide your child with the opportunity to meet and learn from other players and to extend their skill set. Come and make a splash with us…


2023 New Pupils Day

Each year, before the academic year kicks off at Kingswood, new pupils and their families are invited to attend New Pupils Day. New Pupils Day is designed to give you the chance to get to explore Kingswood, settle into your house, make new friends, meet classmates and staff, tour the campus, and do any last-minute arrangements (such as uniform).


TEACH! Conference 2023

Kingswood College is proud to be hosting its ninth biennial TEACH! Conference in 2023. Through the TEACH! Conference we hope to reinvigorate the foot soldiers in the teaching profession. Topics for 2023 are focused around “Character”. Come and join us for this enriching staff development opportunity!


10th Annual U13 Water Polo Festival

It’s time to show off your skills and all that you have learnt about the game we call water polo. This year marks the 10th Anniversary of this festival, and we look forward to giving water polo players with an opportunity to learn and grow from their interactions with other talented players.


PE/Gqeberha OK Club Family Fun Day

The PE/Gqeberha OK Club Branch invites all OKs, parents, past parents, future Kingswoodians and friends of Kingswood to join in on a family fun day of bowls on the 24th of September, 2022.


Parents’ Week 2022: 5 – 11 October 2022

Each year, Parents Week provides us with the space to pause, reflect, and to acknowledge the achievements of our pupils.

Highlights of the week are our Valedictory, Induction and Confirmation Services, the OK Club Tie Presentation, and our Junior and Senior Prizegivings.


2022 OK Club Tie Presentation Ceremony

The Old Kingswoodian Club warmly invites the Matric Class of 2022 and their parents to join them for the Old Kingswoodian Club Tie Presentation Ceremony at 17h30 on the 9th of October at Kingswood College. The OK Club Tie Ceremony will precede the Matric Leavers Dinner.


Gqeberha 2022 Golf Day

The annual Port Elizabeth Golf day is back on the calendar after a brief hiatus, thanks to the newly re-formed Gqeberha (PE) Branch! OKs, parents, past parents, and friends of Kingswood are all invited to enter – and please bring your golfing friends along!


Port Alfred Seniors Luncheon

A special event in our Kingswoodian Club calendar, the Port Alfred Seniors Luncheon sees the coming together of Kingswood’s venerable doyens and doyennes from the region.


Gauteng Family Day

Old Kingswoodians, parents, and friends – join us at the Joburg Country Club (Auckland Park) in support of the OK Club Gauteng branch’s inter-house cricket and family day in November.


Kingswood Concert Band Tour 2022

Our Kingswood College Concert Band is going to be on the MOVE, soon! The Kingswood College Concert Band will be going on tour to Bloemfontein and Kimberley at the start of the August holidays. Our musicians our so excited to share their love of music with a variety of audiences between 29 & 31 July, 2022.


60th Chapel Anniversary Service

The Kingswood Memorial Chapel was opened in 1962 with over 2,000 people present. On Sunday we celebrated this milestone with a special service in the Chapel. There were also a number of reunion groups in attendance – 1960-62 and 1970-72.


K-Day 2022

After a two year hiatus, KDay week is back! We are so looking forward to having our parents and broader Kingswood community come and support our pupils as they take on St Andrew’s College, St Andrew’s Preparatory School and the Diocesan School for Girls in the much anticipated annual derby between our schools.


Kingswood College Candlelight Concert

Our Kingswood College Music School is delighted to announce their next musical offering: A Candlelight Concert.

18h00, Friday, 20 May 2022 at the Kingswood College Chapel (donations towards St John’s Eye Clinic will be taken at the door)


Kingswood Pre-Primary Open Morning – Be a Superhero!

We will be hosting a Pre-Primary Open Day on Thursday, June 16 and would love for you and your little superheroes to join us for a fun morning of activities and fun. You will have the opportunity to meet the teachers, while your son or daughter join in SUPERHERO fun! Come and see for yourself what makes the Kingswood College Pre-Primary so special and why YOU should become part of our Kingswood family.


Legends Golf Day 2022

Save the date for the annual Kingswood Legends Golf Day to be held at the Belmont Golf Club in Makhanda, on Youth Day (the 16th of June 2022). As is tradition, the Legends Golf Day precedes the K-Day weekend.


Kingswood @ The Mill, Bedford

Join the Midlands Branch of the Old Kingswoodian Club for some camping, great food, even better company, and a little cycling and cricket at The Mill Cricket Ground (Bedford, Eastern Cape) on Sunday, the 14-15th of May.


The Moonlit Market is back!

The Moonlit Market starts at 17h00 on Friday, 25 March on City Lords Field / Wyvern, Kingswood. We look forward to seeing you there!

City Lord’s field will once again be lit-up and play host to the annual KJPA Moonlit Market.


Summer Sunset Concert On Lords

Join us for an afternoon filled with musical magic outdoors on our City Lords field to support a very special cause. The concert is in aid of the extraordinary work done by the Grahamstown and Sunshine Coast Hospice and their dedicated staff and volunteers. There will be music by our Concert Band, Choirs, Strings, Marimbas and a Grand Band finale.


Foundation Day Weekend 2022

Celebrating the 128 years of Kingswood. Foundation Weekend is a special event in our calendar – it’s a time when all of us, staff, pupils and Old Kingswoodians, can reflect on our shared past and imagine our great future together.


Neil Aggett Memorial Lecture 2022: “Standing up against injustice” with Zapiro

We are privileged to be able to have Zapiro as our 2022 speaker at the annual Neil Aggett Memorial Lecture. The theme of this talk is “Standing up against injustice” and the title of Zapiro’s talk is “Makhanda Forever”. Every year Kingswood College hosts a memorial lecture in honour of Neil Aggett, a former pupil who paid the ultimate price during the anti-apartheid struggle for liberation. The lecture is a tribute to all those brave men and women who laid down their lives in the fight for human rights and social justice.


M-ICE Concert (Not to be missed!)

It’s been a hot minute since we last had a LIVE music event at Kingswood College. So we have decided to bring it back with a BANG, by collaborating with our ICE (Innovation, Creativity & Entrepreneurship) Department for an exciting new venture which will combine MUSIC, DANCE & SPECIAL EFFECT VIDEO into one! Join us on Friday, 18 February 2022.


A Night With Jonathan Shapiro aka Zapiro

Jonathan Shapiro, better known by his pen name Zapiro, is South Africa’s top editorial and political cartoonist. Before becoming the internationally acclaimed cartoonist commentator and visual satirist he is today, Shapiro was first and foremost an activist in his own right.


Kingswood Senior Virtual Information Session: 8 February 2022

Want to learn more about Kingswood College? Join us for this Virtual Information Session where you can meet with, and engage, with our Senior School leaders and have all your questions answered. These live, interactive sessions are hosted on Zoom and can be joined from wherever you are in the world! Tuesday, 8 February 2022 at 18h00 (CAT / GMT +2). Click here to RSVP.


Brian Baker Water Polo Tournament

It’s Back! After two years of not being able to host the Brian Baker Water Polo Tournament due to Covid-19, we cannot wait to host the 2022 Tournament again. This year our campus will be welcoming a full house of 16 teams from around the country to our ninth Brian Baker Girls’ 1st Team Water Polo tournament.


Hello East London! We are coming to you…

Come and join us at The Lord Selborne Guest House & Conferencing Centre on Wednesday, 26 Janaury 2022, to find out more about Kingswood College. You will be able to find out more about our extraordinary academic, cultural and sporting offerings that strive to provide your son or daughter with opportunities to try new things, to challenge themselves, build their character, and make life-long friendships.


Hello Gqeberha! We are coming to you…

Come and join us at The Beach Hotel on Thursday, 27 January to find out more about Kingswood College. You will be able to find out more about our extraordinary academic, cultural and sporting offerings that strive to provide your son or daughter with opportunities to try new things, to challenge themselves, build their character, and make life-long friendships


We’re Coming to Gaborone, Botswana

Prospective parents, Old Kingswoodians, and friends of Kingswood, please save the date for Kingswood’s visit to Gabarone on 11 – 13 February 2022! The Kingswood Admission and Leadership team will be attending local Expo’s and the OK Club will be hosting its traditional get-together.


2022 OK Club Reunion Dates

Campus hasn’t been the same without you! Which is why we are throwing parties like no other in March, June AND July in 2022! Click here to see class details and dates.


2022 New Pupils Day

Each year, before the academic year kicks off at Kingswood, new pupils and their families are invited to attend New Pupils Day. New Pupils Day is designed to give you the chance to get to explore Kingswood, settle into your house, make new friends, meet classmates and staff, tour the campus, and do any last-minute arrangements (such as uniform).


Kingswood College Water Polo Clinic

Join us for a fun, interactive and full training camp focusing on skill development for Water Polo players at all levels. This is a great way to kick-start the upcoming Water Polo season. Three days of jam-packed polo learning from some of the best. Provide your child with the opportunity to meet and learn from other players and to extend their skill-set. Come and make a splash with us…


Short Course: Where to next?

“Sometimes, you find yourself in the middle of nowhere, and sometimes, in the middle of nowhere, you find yourself”. Join Kingswood College Masambe Bridging Year pupils, Justin Friend and Emmanuel Mazhuhwa for their LEAD talk on Monday, 8 November at 19h00.


Annual Reverend Kirkby Memorial Concert

Join us for an afternoon filled with musical magic outdoors on City Lords field to honour the late Reverend Howard Kirkby. 15h30, Sunday 31 October 2021, City Lords (Wyvern), Kingswood College
Tickets: R40 – All proceeds will go to the Grahamstown & Sunshine Coast Hospice


Short Course: Rejected for a purpose

Rejection is something we will all, at some point in our lives have had to come face to face with. While it is never easy, it is how we handle our rejection which will determine how we move forward.

This talk by Old Kingswoodian, Ms Belz Mabandla will look at how one should handle rejection. Ms Mabandla will use her own experiences and life’s journey to reflect on how being rejected from a position in her workplace, turned out to be the catalyst which brought about a whole new set of avenues and opportunities for her. Monday, 18 October 2021 at 19h00 on ZOOM.


U13 Girls Water Polo Festival

Calling all U13 girls water polo players and coaches! It’s time to show off your skills and all that you have learnt about the game we call water polo. This event will also provide players with an opportunity to learn and grow from their interactions with other talented players.


Short Course: Discover Who You Are

“The keys to your success comes from YOURSELF” – Nick Ewing. Join Kingswood College Masambe Bridging Year pupil, Isabella de Bruyn for her LEAD talk on finding your passion and purpose. Monday, 4 October at 19h00.


Kingswood Senior Virtual Information Session: 28 September 2021

Want to learn more about Kingswood College? Join us for this Virtual Information Session where you can meet with, and engage, with our Senior School leaders and have all your questions answered. These live, interactive sessions are hosted on Zoom and can be joined from wherever you are in the world! Tuesday, 14 September 2021 at 18h00 (CAT / GMT +2). Click here to RSVP.

LEADPAST EVENT SwingingYourLantern

Short Course: Swinging the Lantern

“Leaders become great not because of their power but, because of their ability to empower others” – John Maxwell. Join us with our Kingswood College Head, Dr Colleen Vassiliou where she tackles the analogy of being able to “Swing your lantern”.
Monday, 20 September 2021 at 19h00 on ZOOM


Kingswood Junior Tennis Tournament

Our Junior School will be hosting the Kingswood Junior Tennis Tournament from 1 – 2 October 2021. As a school we are really looking forward to hosting this Tournament and we know that the two days will have no shortage of tennis action.


How Sport Shaped the World with Dr Dean Allen

Sport is big business and an important part of modern society. This fully illustrated talk, by historian and best-selling author, Dr Dean Allen takes the audience on a fascinating journey through history from the Greek and Roman Empires to the creation of modern sport in the Victorian era to the multi-billion dollar industry that sport has become in today’s world.


TEACH! Conference 2021

Kingswood College is proud to host its eighth biennial TEACH! Conference. Through the TEACH! Conference we hope to reinvigorate the foot soldiers in the teaching profession. Topics for 2021 are focused around “Transformation”.


Parents Week 2021

Parents Week 2021: 6 – 12 October 2021 | Each year, Parents Week provides us with the space to pause, to reflect and to acknowledge the achievements of our pupils.


Workshops with Pete & Kim Van Kets

Two inspiring workshops by inspirational speakers, Peter and Kim van Kets, on preparing to adapt and thrive in a dynamic world and taking on any challenge… Saturday 29 August, Wyvern Club, Kingswood College. Click here to find out how to book.


Dinner & Inspiration with Peter van Kets

Join us for an inspirational evening with professional adventurer and speaker Peter van Kets as he unpacks the true essence of grit… Saturday 28 August, Wyvern Club, Kingswood College. Click here to find out how to book.


Kingswood Senior Virtual Information Session: 14 September 2021

Want to learn more about Kingswood College? Join us for this Virtual Information Session where you can meet with, and engage, with our Junior School leaders and have all your questions answered. These live, interactive sessions are hosted on Zoom and can be joined from wherever you are in the world! Tuesday, 14 September 2021 at 18h00 (CAT / GMT +2). Click here to RSVP.


Kingswood Junior Virtual Information Session: 31 August 2021

Want to learn more about Kingswood Junior School? Join us for this Virtual Information Session where you can meet with, and engage, with our Junior School leaders and have all your questions answered. These live, interactive sessions are hosted on Zoom and can be joined from wherever you are in the world! Tuesday, 31 August 2021 at 18h00 (CAT / GMT +2). Click here to RSVP.


Kingswood Junior Open Morning – September 2021

If you are considering Kingswood Junior School for your child, we encourage you to join us for this Open Morning. Not only will you be able to speak to the Junior Headmaster, Mr. James Hough, but also your prospective teachers and see the school day in action.


Kingswood Junior Virtual Information Session: 06 July 2021

Want to learn more about Kingswood Junior School? Join us for this Virtual Information Session where you can meet with, and engage, with our Junior School leaders and have all your questions answered. These live, interactive sessions are hosted on Zoom and can be joined from wherever you are in the world! Tuesday, 06 July 2021 at 17h00 (CAT / GMT +2). Click here to RSVP.


[Cancelled] Short Course: A little bit of care goes a long way

Leadership Institute Short Course: “Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others” – Jack Welch. Join Dave Stevens (OK 1998) from Legitimate Leadership as he shares the secret to true leadership, in your own life and in the lives of those you lead.
Monday 14 June. Register to attend this virtual talk FREE!


Legends Golf Day 2021

Join us on Friday the 11th of June 2021 for the annual Kingswood Legends Golf Day at the Belmont Golf Club in Makhanda. Tickets for this annual event are always sold out fast so make sure you book your place on the green.


Virtual Information Session: 01 June 2021

Live anywhere in the world and want to learn more about Kingswood? Spend just a few minutes on the couch, on your phone, or anywhere you wish at our virtual information session about Kingswood College! Tuesday, 01 June 2021 at 17h00 (CAT / GMT +2). Click here to RSVP.


Kingswood Pre-Primary Open Morning – September 2021

Friday, 03 September 2021 from 09h00 – 10h30: Start small – dream big! Spend the morning with us to find out what Kingswood has to offer your family and meet the teachers while your son or daughter join in the fun of celebrating Spring with the busy bees of Kingswood Pre-Primary!


Virtual Information Session: 04 May2021

Live anywhere in the world and want to learn more about Kingswood? Spend just a few minutes on the couch, on your phone, or anywhere you wish at our virtual information session about Kingswood College! Tuesday, 04 May 2021 at 17h00 (CAT / GMT +2). Click here to RSVP.


Reverend Dr Simon Gqubule Avenue Naming Ceremony

On Sunday 14 March 2021, Kingswood College will be hosting a ceremony to acknowledge and pays tribute to the life of Reverend Dr Simon Gqubule. On this day, the name of Burton Street, which runs through the Kingswood College campus, will be changed to Reverend Dr Simon Gqubule Avenue.


Summer Sunset Concert On Lords

Join us for an evening filled with musical magic outdoors on City Lords field to support a very special cause – the extraordinary work that Grahamstown and Sunshine Coast Hospice and their dedicated staff and volunteers perform. Music by Concert Band, First Band, String Ensemble, Saxonettes and the Marimba Groups. [SOLD OUT!]


Virtual Information Session: 02 March 2021

Live any where in the world and want to learn more about Kingswood? Spend just a few minutes on the couch, on your phone, or anywhere you wish at our virtual information session about Kingswood College! Tuesday, 02 March 2021 at 17h00 (CAT / GMT +2). Click here to RSVP.


Kingswood Pre-Primary Open Morning – March, 2021

Monday, 22 March, 08h30 – 10h00: Start small – dream big! Spend the morning with us at Kingswood Pre-Primary to find out what Kingswood has to offer your family and meet the teachers while your son or daughter join in the fun of learning with some awesome activities!


Kingswood @ The Mill Cricket Ground

Join the Mindlands Branch of the Old Kingswoodian Club and The Butcherbird for some great food, even better company, and a little cricket at The Mill Cricket Ground (Bedford, Eastern Cape) on Sunday, the 7th of March.


Foundation Day 2021

Celebrating the 127 years of Kingswood. Foundation Weekend is a special event in our calendar – it’s a time when all of us, staff, pupils and Old Kingswoodians, can reflect on our shared past and imagine our great future together.


Learn with Google and NASA

What does the future of education feel like and how might we design organisations for the next workforce? Welcome to O School. Online info session for Kingswood pupils on Thursday 25 February 2021 at 19h00


Virtual Information Session: 16 February

Live any where in the world and want to learn more about Kingswood? Spend just a few minutes on the couch, on your phone, or anywhere you wish at our virtual information session about Kingswood College! Tuesday, 16 February 2021 at 17h00 (CAT / GMT +2). Click here to RSVP.


Virtual Information Session

Live any where in the world and want to learn more about Kingswood? Spend just a few minutes on the couch, on your phone, or anywhere you wish at our virtual information session about Kingswood College! Tuesday, 09 February 2021 at 17h00 (CAT / GMT +2)

2021 New Pupils Day (01 Feb)

A warm welcome to Kingswood College to both our new parents and pupils, and those that are continuing their Kingswood journey from the Junior School to the Senior School!


Kingswood Pre-Primary Open Morning

Friday 30th October: Start small – dream big! Spend the morning with us at Kingswood Pre-Primary to find out what Kingswood has to offer your family and meet the teachers while your son or daughter join in the fun of learning with some awesome dino-themed activities!


2021 Bridging Year Information Sessions in Cape Town

Thursday 15 and Friday, 16 October in Rondebosch, Cape Town . Not sure where life is leading after Grade 12? Apply for the Kingswood Bridging Year programme for 2021. Kingswood is launching an exciting programme for 2021 Bridging Year students, join us for this information session to learn more!


Gauteng OK Club Cricket Day

Sunday, Nov 15 – Sign up for your team (girls and guys) and hit the cricket pitch to defend your House in a friendly cricket match or join us for a great day of entertainment under the oaks at the Joburg Country Club.


Parents Week 2020

07 – 13 October 2020 | Each year, Parents Week provides us with the space to pause, to reflect and to acknowledge the achievements of our pupils. Find the the programme here.


Virtual Information Session [East Africa]

Live in East Africa and want to learn more about Kingswood? Spend just a few minutes on the couch, on your phone, or anywhere you wish at our virtual information session about Kingswood College! Tuesday, 29 September 2020 at 17h00 (CAT / GMT +2)


Virtual Information Session [Southern Africa]

Live in Southern Africa and want to learn more about Kingswood? Spend just a few minutes on the couch, on your phone, or anywhere you wish at our virtual information session about Kingswood College! Tuesday, 22 September 2020 at 17h00 (CAT / GMT +2)


Virtual Information Session: October 2020

Want to learn more about Kingswood? Spend just a few minutes on the couch, on your phone, or anywhere you wish at our virtual information session about Kingswood College! Tuesday 27 October 2020 at 17h00.


2021 Bridging Year Virtual Information Session October

Thursday, 01 October at 17h00 (CAT / GMT+2) . Not sure where life is leading after Grade 12? Apply for the Kingswood Bridging Year programme for 2021. Kingswood is launching an exciting programme for 2021 Bridging Year students, join us for this virtual information session to learn more!


2021 Bridging Year Virtual Information Session September

Thursday, 03 September at 17h00 (CAT / GMT+2) . Not sure where life is leading after Grade 12? Apply for the Kingswood Bridging Year programme for 2021. Kingswood is launching an exciting programme for 2021 Bridging Year students, join us for this virtual information session to learn more!


2021 Bridging Year Virtual Information Session

Not sure where life is leading after Grade 12? Apply for the Kingswood Bridging Year programme for 2021. Kingswood is launching an exciting programme for 2021 Bridging Year students, join us for this virtual information session to learn more! Tuesday 28 July, 17h15


Virtual Information Session [Botswana]

Live in Botswana and want to learn more about Kingswood? Spend just a few minutes on the couch, on your phone, or anywhere you wish at our virtual information session about Kingswood College! Tuesday 14 July 2020 at 17h00 (CAT)


2020 Reunions Go Virtual

Before this weekend, we wouldn’t have thought ‘virtual’ reunions were even possible – but our classes of 1990, 2000 and 2010 showed us just how wrong we were!


Grade 8 Information Evening

Join us for our annual Grade 8 Information sessions, open events that will give parents, carers and pupils a helpful introduction to life in Kingswood Senior School, all you need to know about making the transition to High School, plus some insights into academic life, sport and culture.


The Moonlit Market

The Moonlit Market starts at 17h00 on Friday, 20 March on City Lords Field / Wyvern, Kingswood. We look forward to seeing you there!


Concert In The Dark 2020

Concert In The Dark 2020 – 19h30, Friday, 21 February 2020 at the Kingswood College Chapel (donations towards St John’s Eye Clinic will be taken at the door)


125 Jubilee Compassberg Hike

Book now! As part of our 125 Jubilee Celebrations Kingswoodians are invited to join us for a hike to the summit if the Compassberg where we will proudly display the KC Jubilee Flag.


K-Day 2019 Reunion: Class of 1989

Deanne Bouwer (nee Behm) did a sterling job getting her class together for their 30th reunion. A great time was had by this happy band of “1989 ers”. They did there level best to keep up with the pace set by the youngsters from the 1999 and 2009 groups and certainly coped admirably. Much has…


K-Day 2019 Reunion: Class of 1999

A memorable 20th reunion of the Class of 1999 took place on K-Day Weekend. This is an amazing group of OKs who simply carried on where they had left off in 1999. Boarding house tales were re-lived, sports results were debated and many a story was told late into the night – a bit embellished…


K-Day 2019 Reunion: Class of 2009

Head Prefects Gill and Brandon Handley did an amazing job “rallying the troops” for this really special 10-year reunion that took place on K-Day weekend. The support was really good – in fact one of the better turnouts that we have had for a 10-year reunion. Those attending really enjoyed the Jubilee celebrations and apart…