A rich offering of musical ensembles and styles
Music at Kingswood Junior
Music is an integral part of life at Kingswood. It plays a significant role in the Junior School curriculum and also forms a big part of our co-curricular programme with the varied ensembles, groups and choirs our pupils can choose to join.
Our Music school actively encourages and supports performing opportunities inside the school and our pupils are exposed to a variety of music genres through formal class music classes while also having opportunities to play in school concerts.
There are a number of benefits that come with being exposed to music from a young age and this includes, but is not limited to, better brain development, increases human connections and teaches discipline. Music as a subject also integrates well with other subjects.
Apply for instrumental lessons
To apply for instrumental lessons please complete this form and send it to the Music School Co-ordinator.
Instrumental tuition is offered individually as well as in groups from Grade 1. From Grade 4, pupils are encouraged to try other instruments such as piano, organ, strings and all wind and brass instruments, where they will receive individual lessons. Full details of lessons and fee structure are available from the Music Coordinator.
Application forms are available for download for pupils interested in individual lessons on one of these instruments. Instruments that are offered include: violin, cello, piano, flute, clarinet, saxophone, oboe, bassoon, trumpet, trombone, euphonium, tuba, French horn, percussion and piano.
Music pupils have the opportunity to enter for external examinations of The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, Trinity College (London) and UNISA. Sundowner Concerts are presented to the public on Thursday evenings in which pupils are invited to participate. In 2017 the First Band had three performances at schools in the Eastern Cape and the Concert Band tours regularly.
Kingswood College offers class music, which forms a component of our core curriculum from Grade 1 to Grade 9. Pupils of this age are incredibly social beings, and we feel strongly that class music provides a space where pupils can connect with each other and form relationships through a similar interest.
Grade 1 – 4 have two 30min lessons a week
Grade 5 – 7 have one 45min lesson a week
Music Literacy classes are held once a week, during prep time on Thursday afternoons. Pupils learning an instrument are expected to attend these.
During the Foundation Phase we concentrate on developing beat, rhythm, pitch and melody through movement. Our little Kingswoodians discover their voices through group singing and through call and response.
During the Foundation Phase we focus on developing beat, rhythm, pitch and melody through movement. A lot of time is spent on chanting, singing and dancing games. Body percussion, as well as non-melodic and melodic percussion, are incorporated into lessons on a regular basis. The reading of basic rhythm patterns is further enhanced through percussion ensembles. Melody patterns are enriched with the use of the Solfa system and hand signs
Pupils are encouraged to consider joining these groups. No additional charge is incurred.
These usually begin in Grade 4. We occasionally accommodate Grade 1 to 3 children for group piano lessons and Grade 2 or 3 children for group violin lessons. This depends on timetable constraints, musical aptitude and how the pupil is coping in the classroom.
They have two rehearsals per week which are for pupils from Grade 4-7. They are actively involved in performing at events at the school, as well as giving back to the community. They also participate in festivals and eisteddfods.
This provides pupils in Grade 4 -7, who play a band instrument, to participate in a wind band and learn music from different styles. The band is very involved in concerts in and around the school. They have three practices a week.
Pupils who have instrumental tuition must participate in one of the following ensembles: First Band, Concert Band, String Ensemble, Piano Ensemble or Choir.
Auditions are held at the beginning of every year. If chosen, members must commit to the ensemble for the full year. The same applies to the other ensembles.