Kingswood Council

Kingswood is supported by a strong and active Council (Board of Governors) which bears an overall responsibility for the School’s corporate governance – “to lead, govern and monitor” the business of the College.

Together with the College Head, the Kingswood College Council supports the School’s Senior Management Team to oversee decisions of strategic significance for the future. The composition of the Council covers a range of professional expertise and members are drawn from all around the country, including the Schools staff.

Breakdown of Council

Consisting of at least 25 members, the Council is made up of:

Ten nominated members:

  • Three by the Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church;
  • Seven by the Executive of the OK Club, one of which is the President of the Old Kingswoodian Club.

Eleven elected members:

  • Nine by the Council
  • Two by the current parents (one member each from the Junior and Senior School).

Four invited members:

  • The College Head;
  • Senior School Head and Junior School Head;
  • The College Business Manager.

Council members:

Ms K Govender: Chairperson
Mr R Gaybba: Vice Chairperson

Mr J Fincham             

Mr Chris Hobson      

Bishop Dr A Leleki

Rev M Makumsha

Dr S Mdletye

Mr G Kingwill          

Mr P Hobson          

Mr C Meyer

Mr A Sholto-Douglas

Mr B Brotherton

Prof C Christie          

Ms J Hillier

Ms L Hobson

Dr B Mbambisa

Ms N Mrwetyana

Ms F Zote

Prof B Brown

Dr T Davies

Adv A Teko                        

Mrs T Putzier

Mr J Wilkinson

Mr Leon Grové : College Head / Kingswood Foundation Executive Head
Ms Tracy van Molendorff: Head: Senior School (Academics and Pupil Matters)
Mr David Wright: Head Senior School (Operational and Pupil Matters)
Mr James Hough: Head of Junior School
Mrs Nan Elliott: Bursar
Rev Tim Marshall: College Chaplain