Parents' Association
Kingswood Junior Parents Association
The general aim of the KJPA includes:
– develop social interaction between parents, and between parents and staff;
– assist with fundraising activities to provide facilities for KC Junior;
– assist at Junior School functions, when required.
The Annual General Meeting is held at the beginning of the year at the Junior School. Nominations are sent in before the meeting and a committee of six is elected, who then have the option of co-opting another two members. At the AGM the Junior School Head, the past Chairman and the Treasurer present short reports. As soon as possible after the AGM, the full Committee meets to elect a Chairman and other office bearers. The Junior School Head and HODs of the Prep Department and Senior Primary attend all meetings.
It is the express wish of the Junior Head and of the KJPA Committee that all complaints or queries of a personal nature be discussed directly with the relevant teacher, rather than be taken to the Committee or its members. Matters of a more general nature, however, may be brought to the attention of the Committee, either by parents or staff, to benefit from the discussion forum.
Kingswood Senior Parents Association
Parental participation and support in a school like ours are vital. Kingswood’s Junior and Senior Parent Associations are vibrant bodies that act as a conduit between the parents of Kingswoodians and the school.
The Parent Associations work with the school management and staff to ensure effective communication and partnerships between home and school.
Members of the Associations will elect a Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary annually. This group will take responsibility for managing the activities of the Parents Association. Each member will be elected for one year, with the possibility of future re-election.
Parent Focus Groups
Parent focus groups occur once a term and space is created for constructive solution-focused discussions around any input or concerns parents might have regarding the 10 areas of the strategic plan.
It takes a village to raise a child and the outcome of the parent focus groups thus far has definitely increased this supportive notion.