Simeon is an outstanding scholar with an exemplary approach to his academic work, developing his innate ability in an admirable manner.  He is a gentle soul who strives for excellence both in the content and quality of work he presents.  Simeon demonstrates great tenacity; always conscientious and disciplined in his approach.  He is able to integrate different sections of work and communicates his understanding in a logical fashion.

He thinks independently, takes initiative and is always responsible in his approach.  Simeon demonstrates a self-motivated and proactive willingness to do his best in all that he is involved in.  He quietly engages fully in his work and has an excellent work ethic with well-developed higher order thinking skills.  He never lets his extramural commitments interfere with his academic work and has the maturity to keep a good balanced perspective.

Simeon does not settle for anything less than his best and this is evident in all that he does.  He works independently with tenacity and grit in developing an understanding of the work covered.  He is a diligent learner and sets a good example for his peers.

Having fulfilled the requirements and in acknowledgement of Simeon’s approach to academics, he is awarded for Academics.