“…Kingswood College has been my home for nearly five years, and I can confidently say that this has been an experience like no other. I have grown, spiritually, mentally and physically (just about half an inch) and have been propelled to greater heights that have, not only allowed me to access my true potential, but have made me appreciate everything that I have experienced at this great school. Kingswood is where I discovered a power in my voice – in my words, and with that power came a great deal of responsibility to use it only to protect, uplift, educate and inform even in the face of adversity.
I cannot imagine my position in life at this very moment if I had experienced anything other than Kingswood. I have seen too much, learnt too much and experienced way too much to ever want to trade in these years for anything else. Through it all; the love, the laughs, the challenges, the exhiliration at times, each experience has contributed a significant amount to my growth and development and also laid the foundation on which I am to build the rest of my life.
Being granted the opportunity to lead the school in its 125th year, has been an absolute blessing, but also a reminder that I am here, not only at Kingswood College, but on this earth, to serve a purpose that is greater than I, that exceeds me. The one who waters the plant may not always be the one that gets to see it bloom, but if I can contribute to another’s flourishing, another’s growth, then I can say that I have indeed done my part. So, I thank you, Kingswood. I thank you for watering me and my spirit just so that I may do the same for another…”