“…Remember the past. Create the present. Inspire the future…”
This past Saturday was a historic moment for the Wilmot family.
40 years ago on Sports Day, Justin (OK 1980) and Michael Wilmot (OK 1983) were awarded 12 trophies between them, with their mother handing out the trophies on the day. Fast forward to this past weekend, and Sports Day 2020, Caitlin Wilmot, Justin’s daughter was awarded five trophies which were awarded to her by her mother, Bridget Wilmot (nee Muirhead OK 1987).
Caitlin was Athletics Captain for 2020, and also was this year’s Vixtrix Ludorum winner. She was awarded the following:
- Open Girls 400m: B Dold Cup
- Open Girls 800m: Wearne Plate
- Open Girls 1500m: Gavin Purdon Cup
- Open Girls 3000m
- Open Girls Vixtrix Ludorum – SA Legion Shield
It is interesting to note that Michael still holds two sports day records namely U/16 Triple Jump (1978) and Open Triple Jump (1980). He has the distinction of having two best ever performances by a Kingswood athlete in these two disciplines:
- Long Jump (7.04m) set at the SA Champs
- Triple Jump (14.45m) set when representing EP at the Inter-provincial athletics meeting.
Who knows, in years from now, perhaps Bridget, Justin, Caitlin and her daughter or son will be photographed together again in another historic moment such as this…