A message from our Chapel Stewards.

We have our new sound system in the Chapel and the next step is lighting and cameras. One of our initiatives (which we had planned to conclude after the 1st term) is our Photo Mosiac.

The lighting is not ideal for grandparent days, prizegivings and services, and imagine seeing your children’s faces on the screen instead of straining to see over heads… not to mention opportunities of streaming for families far away!

We are inviting anyone who loves Kingswood to donate R125 towards our vision and have their photo included in this historic photo. YOUR NAME will then be included underneath the photo in gratitude for your generosity!

  • STEP 1: Take your photo (or find one)
  • STEP 2: Email it to 125photo@kingswoodcollege.com OR Whatsap it to Rev Tim 0828592802 (don’t forget to include your name and surname!)
  • STEP 3: Donate your R125 (either by cash – you can drop this at Reception) or via EFT: simply use the school’s bank account and put “125photoYOURNAME” as the reference. Email Rev if you’re not a parent and want to confirm that bank details.

If you want to contribute but don’t want a photo in the mosaic… not a problem!

Thank you to all those who have already supported us!

Thank you!

What is the Chapel Photo Mosaic?

Learn more about it here