Join us for a thought-provoking talk with Historian and Best-Selling Author Dr Dean Allen.

Please note that this talk has been postponed until Monday, 13 September 2021

Event details and bookings

Talk Title: “How Sport Shaped the World”
Date and Venue: Monday, 13 September, Kingswood Chapel
Time: 17h00
Cost: FREE
To Book: Please RSVP to the the Google Form to make sure your place is booked:

About Dr Dean Allen

Historian and best-selling author

A native of Somerset in the West Country of England, Dr Dean Allen’s long association with South Africa began in the mid-1990s when he began his studies at Stellenbosch University. An accomplished and entertaining public speaker, Dean has presented his unique blend of story-telling and history at events throughout the world. Until recently a Senior Lecturer in Sport Management at Bournemouth University in the UK, Dean has now embarked on a professional speaking career that has brought him back to his beloved South Africa. Over the past decade Dean has taught at Universities here in South Africa, Australia, Northern Ireland and England and is widely published in the areas of sports history and sociology. His award-nominated book “Empire, War and Cricket” is published by Penguin Random House and has sold over 12,000 copies alone here in South Africa.

Audience take-away

Sport is big business and an important part of modern society. This fully illustrated talk takes the audience on a fascinating journey through history from the Greek and Roman Empires to the creation of modern sport in the Victorian era to the multi-billion dollar industry that sport has become in today’s world.

The talk is based on Dean’s years of teaching at leading international universities, and provides the audience with lessons from history in terms of personal development, society change as well as inspirational stories of the human ability to overcome and adapt. 

The Importance of History:

Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it.”

Winston Churchill