Save the date for the annual Kingswood Legends Golf Day to be held at the Belmont Golf Club in Makhanda, on Thursday, 13th of June, 2024. The Legends Golf Day will be held on the Thursday before the much anticipated K-Day weekend.
Carissa Wilson with her three daughters Kate, Amy and Holly. Amy matriculated from Kingswood College in 2024.
Back by popular demand! The Midlands Branch of the Old Kingswoodian Club invites you to join them for the longest standing event in the calendar – The Midlands Formal Dinner.
This year we celebrate the 25th annual Kingswood Golf Day in Port Alfred on the 29th of December 2024. Join us for what is always a great day out!
The Old Kingswoodian Club invites all Kingswoodian venerable doyens and doyennes in the Port Alfred region to join the for a luncheon and afternoon together.
The Old Kingswoodian Club warmly invites the Matric Class of 2024 and their parents to join them for the Old Kingswoodian Club Tie Presentation Ceremony at 17h00 on the 6th of October at Kingswood College. The OK Club Tie Ceremony will precede the Matric Leavers Dinner.
The annual K-Day celebrations from the 11-15 June 2024 we a resounding success. From Sport to culture, supporters were treated to it all.
We are thrilled to announce that an online auction has been launched in aid of the Legends Fund in conjunction with the annual Legends Golf Day, happening next Thursday, the 13th of June.
The Kingswood Team and the OK Club had a wonderful visit to Zambia, which included school visits, OK Club functions and even a golf day!
Kingswood College Senior Drama Production: CLUE.
Join us for an evening of secret identities, blackmail and murder, as we travel through Boddy Manor on the hunt for who “dunnit”. With your favourite Cluedo characters coming to life on stage this show is set to have you in stitches!
An evening of entertainment with cabaret style tables and a cash bar available. Tickets can be bought individually or as a full table.