Save the date for the annual Kingswood Legends Golf Day to be held at the Belmont Golf Club in Makhanda, on Thursday, 13th of June, 2024. The Legends Golf Day will be held on the Thursday before the much anticipated K-Day weekend.
All members of the Kingswood community and friends are welcome to join in this festive evening in support of Palcare (Hospice) in March
All members of the Kingswood community and friends in the Western Cape are invited to join the Kingswoodian Club at the following events in February
Teach Conference 2025, proudly hosted by Kingswood College, will be held from the 29-31 August 2025
Carissa Wilson with her three daughters Kate, Amy and Holly. Amy matriculated from Kingswood College in 2024.
The Old Kingswoodian Club looks forward to welcoming back classes to celebrate their various reunions. Join us in celebrating the red and the black with old friends – as we celebrate Kingswood together!
Foundation Weekend is a special event in our calendar – join us for the celebrations.
Notice of the annual general meeting of the Old Kingswoodian Club to be held in the Wyvern Club on Friday, the 14th of March 2025, commencing at 16h00
The inaugural Kingswood Botswana Golf Day is set for February 2024. Please get in touch with the organisers to book your place on the course, or book out the date in your diary to join the KC Botswana community for a festive night out that evening!
Old Kingswoodians and friends of Kingswood, please save the date for The OK Club Southern Cape Branch Functions which are scheduled for the 14th and 15th of February.