Old Kingswoodians and friends of Kingswood, please save the date for a fantastic day of golf at the Royal Johannesburg and Kensington Golf Club in support of the OK Club Gauteng branch.

To play golf:

Call/Whatsapp Richard Hall on 083 278 3683.

Tee off starting at 11h30.

Cost: R650 per head green fees. This includes coffee/tea on arrival, green fees, and a prego-burger dinner after the game.

To join for the evening event:

All are welcome for the evening event where there will be great prizes and raffles up for grabs!

If you would like to sponsor a hole, donate prizes or join the players for dinner and a drink after the game, contact Sam Morrison: 083 451 7663

Date and Venue:

Friday, 4 March 2022, Royal Johannesburg And Kensington Golf Club, Illovo, Johannesburg.