Kingswood’s golden thread is one that weaves its way through the hearts of successive generations at Kingswood. No where else is this more apparent than at an event like Grandparents Day.

Friday 16 September saw Kingswood Junior hosting Grandparents Day – certainly a highlight for the little ones to have these much-revered members of the family visit them at their school. Grannys and Grandpas were treated to a sumptuous tea on the lawns of KC Junior and KC Pre-Primary, whereafter they were invited to the Chapel where the Grandparents were entertained with music, singing, poems and tributes to much loved Grandparents by the young Kingswoodians. The highlight was no doubt inviting Grandparents into the classrooms where the pupils could show their Grandparents their school work.

Amongst the visiting grandparents were a number of Old Kingswoodians. The twinkle in their eyes was a give away of how proud they were to be able to join their grandchildren who were attending their alma mater. Although the buildings and surrounds have changed since their years at KC Junior, there is no doubt that the legacy that they left at Kingswood was worth it –  Kingswood’s golden thread continues to weave its way through the hearts of successive generations of Kingswoodians.