The Kingswood family gathered in Cathcart for a wonderful day on the golf course, followed by a get together at the Cathcart Country Club.

Our Kingswood family and friends converged on the Cathcart Country Club on Saturday 15 July to play a round of golf and more importantly to spend a fun-filled evening catching up with fellow Kingswoodians and the Cathcart community. The snow-capped mountain peaks did not deter the golfers from tackling the golf course in icy cold conditions – although it needs to be said that some of the drives on the first hole were a clear indication that some of the golfers had clearly not warmed up enough or were still smarting from the rugby test result!

At the conclusion of the golf the prize giving, sponsored by Kingswood, took place – the highlight of which was the lucky draw for the little ones – the expressions on their faces when the numbers were being drawn was priceless. The Miller family treated us to a sumptuous braai after which many a tale was told until late into the night.

In his address before the prize giving Leon Grove (College Head) stressed the importance and significance of the broader Kingswood family of which the Cathcart community is very much part of. To arrange a golf/family day in Cathcart is really a token of Kingswood’s appreciation for the support it gets from this region.

Chris Hobson (President of the OK Club), Leon Grove (College Head) and James Hough (Head : KC Junior) all made the trip to Cathcart to support what turned out to be a fun-filled day for all who were part of it. Our thanks to the Cathcart Country Club for hosting us and making us feel so welcome. Days like this cannot take place without good support so here’s a big shout out to all who joined us on Saturday – much appreciated and hopefully we will see you all next year.