The classes of 1973, 1974 and 1975 were welcomed onto campus last weekend for their 50th reunion. It was three days filled with laughter and stories as old friends reconnected, and new friendships were forged.
It was a weekend to remember, as the classes of 1973, 1974 and 1975 arrived back on campus for their 50th reunion. Over 60 class members arrived at the OK Club on Friday evening for registration.
This was followed with a fantastic meet and greet at the Wyvern, where the excitement was certainly mounting for the Graeme/VGHS derby fixtures. War cries and a great meal made for a perfect evening.

The group met the next morning for a delicious champagne brunch in the Kingswood Museum. The brunch was followed by group photographs. The campus tour was a highlight, as the classes were able to see what has changed since their days at Kingswood. The immaculate gardens and pristine campus brought about wonderful stories of yesteryear.
With half the group choosing to watch the 1st XV rugby fixture at the Wyvern, the other half caught a shuttle to Graeme College where the atmosphere was palpable. Kingswood safely secured the win, and the group then made their way back to the Wyvern for the much anticipated formal dinner.
As always, the Wyvern served a wonderful dinner. College Head, Mr Leon Grove shared with the reunion group on the importance of the role that Old Kingswoodians play in the future of our wonderful school. Fantastic fellowship was enjoyed by all, and it was an evening filled with joy.

The final event for the group was the annual Chapel Anniversary Service, which serves to remember and honour Old Kingswoodians who lost their lives in the two world wars. Wreaths were laid at the foot of the memorial plaques by Mr Richard Gaybba (Active Vice-President of the OK Club and Vice-Chair of the College Council), Mr Leon Grove (College Head) and Mrs Kesentri Govendor (Chair of the College Council) as well as school heads, Munangi Kamwendo (Head Boy) and Matipa Karimazondo (Head Girl). After the laying of the wreaths, the Kingswood flag and the school Colour were lowered to half-mast during the sounding of the “Last Post” and returned to the peak (masthead) to the sounding of “Reveille” in what is always a deeply moving part of the ceremony.

The congregation moved into the Memorial Chapel where Mr Phillip Collett (Head Boy 1973) read out the in memoriam list from the classes of 1973, 1974 and 1975, and lit a candle in remembrance of them. After a moving service, the echoes of “God be with You till we Meet Again” rung throughout campus, as we said farewell to our reunion group.
Our thanks go to each and every one of those who made the effort to be here with us. It was a weekend filled with such special moments, and we enjoyed sharing the time with you. We wish you only the best as you make your way home, and hope to see you back on campus before too long.