Livestock Fund
Turning your investment in livestock and our local farming community into real change at Kingswood.
The Kingswood’s Livestock Fund is a project set up by Old Kingswoodians in our local farming community in support of Legends Fund at Kingswood. You don’t need to be a farm owner to get involved, there are various ways to support the fund through donations or loans. To our local farming community, please be in touch if you can run weaners as part of your herd. Donations of cattle to the Fund would also be warmly welcomed.
Kingswood is as much part of the Eastern Cape, as the Eastern Cape is of it. The ethos and contribution of the farming community at Kingswood is invaluable, and with 70% of our pupils coming from within the Eastern Cape, there is no better way to honour this than through the Livestock Fund.
How can I contribute:
- Donation – donate cash for the purchase of livestock and pay any direct costs, provide free grazing for a selected number of the cattle or donate livestock itself.
- Loan – make a cash loan to the project to purchase livestock. Once livestock is sold, loan will be repaid, profits go towards the project.
- Grazing & Management – Offer grazing at a set grazing and management fee or provide free grazing and management at project’s risk.
Who can get involved?
You don’t need to be a farm owner to get involved, there are various ways to support the fund through donations or loans.
To our local farmers, if you have not heard about the project yet then please be in touch should you wish to form part of it. While donations of cattle are welcome, we would also welcome discussions on loan options and grazing.
To find out more about the Livestock Fund or to participate please contact Megan Erasmus in the Kingswood College Foundation office:
Phone: +27 46 603 6614
How the programme works
Calves are placed on farms of supporting farmers who included the marginal additions to their existing herds, grown out then sold. The profits generated are then returned to the fund and the cycle is repeated.
This model can extend beyond just the purchasing of weaners to include the buying and selling of all livestock.
History of the fund
Begun in 2012 (and known originally the “Tollie Fund”), the essence of the project saw the raising of weaner calves that were cared for and grown out on supporting local farms at a marginal cost, before being sold for a profit. Unfortunately, the project saw its end due to the prolonged drought that ravaged the Eastern Cape from 2015 to 2021.
Today the project has expanded to include the buying and selling of all livestock, not just calves, expanding the scope and potential of what can be achieved. While the majority of the profits will be invested in growing the project, the Legends Fund is the project’s primary beneficiary.
Should anyone wish to partner with us in supporting these initiatives financially, please email the Foundation Office on