Our High Performance Centre was transformed into something out of this world last night for the Senior School Foundation Day dinner.
The pupils and staff were in awe as they stepped into the HPC for an evening put together specially for them to celebrate the momentous milestone that is our 125th Jubilee year.
While we look forward to welcoming all our extended family back to the school over the course of the next few days, we must not forget that an event such as this must be celebrated from within and it would be amiss for us to not acknowledge the importance of every pupil and staff member who makes up the Kingswood College family. We are who we are as a school because of them, and last night we celebrated and recognised their contributions to Kingswood.
Looking around the room it was clear that this was truly a moment, a historic moment that will not only be remembered by those who attended the occasion in years to come, but will also be a remembered as a key event in the history of our school.