Kingswood Celebrates Women Fundiswa Zote

“…I am truly grateful for being afforded the opportunity to study and get the education we got at Kingswood College. I am grateful for being raised in a strong Christian family. I am grateful that I got to know and accept Christ as my Lord and Saviour…”– Ms Fundiswa Zote OK ‘95

August is Women’s Month and what better way to truly celebrate it than by touching base with a few notable women in our very own Kingswood family.

Over the past two weeks we have been profiling a number of Old Kingswoodians as part of our KC Women’s Month Series.

Today we have the privilege of interviewing Ms Fundiswa Zote (OK ’95) who attended Kingswood College from 1987 to 1995 along with her late Twin sister Khuliswa Zote. Her brother also attended the school and more recently, Fundiswa’s daughter Lubabalo, matriculated at Kingswood in 2018.

After matriculating at Kingswood College, Fundiswa did a post-matric after which she did a Travel Tourism Diploma at Damelin College.

Fundiswa briefly worked in the tourism industry and then went on to read for a Bachelor of Business Administration degree at Midrand University through Thames Valley University-London. With her degree including accounting, information systems strategy, corporate strategy marketing and management, she then went on to work in the Information and Technology sphere as a card technologist.

Along with her twin sister they founded a Marketing Consultancy business which specialised in Event Management and Hospitality, Live Production, Public Relations and Corporate Social Investment Services.
During her time in this space, she has served as a board member and council member in numerous organisations where she was able to provide marketing strategic advice to them.

More recently Fundiswa has returned to the family business which is a Funeral Services and Financial Services business. This business has been in her family for over 40 years. She is also currently serving as board member of NAFUICO, National Funeral Undertakers Investment Company.

Ms Zote is a formidable businesswoman and is also currently a member of the Kingswood College Council.

Here Ms Fundiswa Zote shares a message with our Kingswood community for Women’s Month…

Read her Q&A to find out more about this amazing woman…