The covid-19 pandemic has been a challenging time for the country and indeed the world, and the Kingswood College Matric class of 2020 must be congratulated on navigating this unchartered territory during their final academic year. Our class of 2020, gathered a total of 95 distinctions amongst themselves.
Mrs Tracy van Molendorff, Kingswood Senior School Head, said: “We are incredibly proud of the class of 2020. They have shown true grit, resilience and determination amidst a year of uncertainty, on-line learning and a pandemic that resulted in a new reality for their matric class. We commend those who achieved distinctions and are incredibly proud of those who, through perseverance, achieved beyond our expectations. The committed and dedicated academic staff are to be commended on the way that they approached a year, no one had prepared for, in a manner that ensured that this class was able to complete their matric year successfully and achieve to their full individual potential. We wish the class of 2020 much success as they embark on the next leg of their life journey.”
Our joint Dux Scholars for 2020, Talia Aliber and Tyler Bovey garnered 15 distinctions between the two of them.
Tyler Bovey Talia Aliber
Talia Aliber who comes from Alice, in the Eastern Cape achieved an overall average of 91%. She achieved eight (8) distinctions for Afrikaans 1st Additional Language, English Home Language, German Second Additional Language Life Orientation, History, Life Orientation, Mathematics, Physical Science and Visual Arts. Talia plans to go to university and study a BA in Politics and Philosophy. Talia was in the top 1% for English Home Language. Talia was also ranked in the top 5% of learners in five subjects which is a remarkable achievement.
Her advice to 2021 Matrics is: “There will be days when all you want to do is cry and give up. Cry by all means, but just don’t give up. Even if all you do is get up and study a quarter of what you’d intended, it’s not nothing. Do the best that you can with where you’re at, and know that that is what counts. You aren’t defined by your grades. Who you are is defined by what you’re willing to struggle for”
Tyler Bovey achieved and overall average of 91% with seven (7) distinctions for all seven of her subjects. Tyler received distinctions for Afrikaans 1st Additional Language, Engineering, Graphic and Design, English Home Language, Geography, Life Orientation Life Sciences and Mathematics. Tyler was also ranked in the top 1% for Afrikaans First Additional Language.
Her advice to class of 2021 is: “Sometimes we’re tested not to show our weaknesses, but to discover our strengths.” Tyler who hails from Makhanda in the Eastern Cape plans to go to Rhodes University this year to pursue a degree in Pharmacy.

“My final year was nothing close to what I had dreamed it would be because of COVID, the aspects that the pandemic didn’t allow for us to enjoy actually allowed other aspects of my life to grow in ways I hadn’t even considered. Navigating my final year was far from easy but the compassion & patience my family & teachers showed me was very comforting & reassuring.”
Lukho Mbenyana who also comes from Makhanda achieved an overall average of 83%. She obtained six (6) distinctions for Dramatic Arts, English Home Language, History, isiXhosa First Additional Language, Life Orientation and Mathematical Literacy.
On navigating her final year in the midst of a pandemic Lukho says: “My final year was nothing close to what I had dreamed it would be because of COVID, the aspects that the pandemic didn’t allow for us to enjoy actually allowed other aspects of my life to grow in ways I hadn’t even considered. Navigating my final year was far from easy but the compassion & patience my family & teachers showed me was very comforting & reassuring.”
Evert Joubert Sarah-Jane Wilhelmi Mwaka Machila
Evert Joubert (Alexandria, Eastern Cape), Mwaka Machila (Lusaka, Zambia) and Sarah-Jane Wilhelmi (Makhanda, Eastern Cape) all received five (5) distinctions for their final examinations.
Evert, Mwaka and Sarah-Jane are all planning on going to university this year with Evert wanting to study Accounting at the University of Stellenbosch, Mwaka will pursue her tertiary education abroad in September and Sarah-Jane will go to Rhodes University to study Economics.
Mwaka’s advice to the matrics of 2021 echo many of the same sentiments that her peers have: “Play hard, but work even harder. Enjoy the remaining moments you have with your friends but remember that matric is challenging and you need to dedicate yourself to working to the best of your ability.”
Emily Webber Jocelyn Morrison Mia Scheepers
Jocelyn Morrison (Johannesburg, Gauteng) and Emily Webber (Makhanda, Eastern Cape) both achieved 4 distinctions each. Jocelyn will be studying environmental design in Cape Town while Emily will be going to the University of Pretoria to do a Bachelor of Science Degree.
An honourable mention must also be made of Mia Scheepers (Johannesburg, Gauteng) who was ranked in the top 1% for Life Orientation.
Dr Colleen Vassiliou, our College Head, expressed pride in her pupils and staff:
“At Kingswood College we are invested in building our pupils character. Writing final examinations during a pandemic let alone attempting to complete a matric syllabus be it online or on-site was no small feat. I applaud the teachers who adjusted and assisted every pupil to achieve their potential. I am in awe of our Matric class of 2020 who dug deep and pushed through trying times to come out victorious. Well done to each and every one of you and a big thank you to our Kingswood families who supported their children during this time. I wish them all the best as they head into the next chapter of their journey.”