The Kingswoodian Club got together in Phakalane last weekend for fantastic get together!
On Friday, the 10th of February 2023, the picturesque Phakalane Golf Estate played host to a lovely gathering of Old Kingswoodians, parents and prospective parents. It was really great seeing our Botswana community gathering as one big family. During the course of the evening Old Kingswoodians Chibayi Badwasi and Michael O’Keeffe stressed the importance of a united Kingswood community in Botswana that can celebrate and support our school as a united front. There are already plans for one or two Kingswood events to take place later in the year which is very exciting. During his address to the Kingswoodians at the function our College Head, Mr Leon Grove’, thanked the Botswana community for their continued support of Kingswood over the past few decades.
On Saturday and Sunday the Kingswood marketing team attended two school expos in Gaborone. The interest in Kingswood is clearly big in Gaborone judging by how busy our team was at both these marketing events.