The inaugural Kingswood Botswana Golf Day is set for February 2024. Please get in touch with the organisers to book your place on the course, or book out the date in your diary to join the KC Botswana community for a festive night out that evening!
Today, Kingswood pauses to remember one of it’s finest sons, Dale Collett (OK 1969), who sadly passed away on the 10th of September. A decorated war-hero, Dale led an amazing life, overcoming enormous obstacles.
On Friday the Botswana Branch of the Kingswoodian Club organised the very first Botswana Golf Day in Gaborone. With a full field of golfers, and a packed function thereafter, the day was a great success!
The inaugural Kingswood Botswana Golf Day is set for February 2024. Please get in touch with the organisers to book your place on the course, or book out the date in your diary to join the KC Botswana community for a festive night out that evening!
The Kingswoodian Club got together in Phakalane last weekend for fantastic get together!
College Head Leon Grové, Senior Head Mrs Tracy van Molendoff, Marketing Manager Danel Pruissen and Carey Hobson attended two successful school expos and also hosted a combined OK/Parent function at Falcon Crest Suites. This was well attended and it was so nice to see parents, past and present, mingling with OKs during the course of the evening.