The Gauteng Branch of the Old Kingswoodian Club got together on Friday for their annual golf day at the Royal Johannesburg and Kensington Golf Club
This annual event has long been a favourite in the OK Club calendar – and 2024 did not disappoint. Our loyal OKs in Johannesburg came out in their numbers to support the day.
Over 60 golfers teed-off in perfect conditions, and enjoyed 18 holes on the immaculate course. After the golf, the players, families and friends met up at the clubhouse for a festive evening together.
Alistair Scott (OK 1998) and Beki Ngulube (OK 2006) managed the proceedings as our MCs. There were several exciting auction items up for purchase. These included:
- A taste of Lower Albany Heritage Hamper (purchased by Richard Hall OK 1999)
- A signed Stormers Rugby Ball (purchased by Jason Wilkinson OK 1993)
- Gordon Huddy’s Relic pull-over jersey (purchased by Alex Trow OK 2014)
The prize-giving included some wonderful prizes thanks to our amazing sponsors. The 2024 Champion Golfer and winner of the trophy was Tango Gatya (OK 2002) with an impressive score.
After the prize giving, a very significant gift was made to the Legends Fund by the Gauteng Branch of the OK Club. Honorary Old Kingswoodian, Sam Morrison, who has ably headed up the branch for several years handed over a significant monetary donation. This is not the first donation of this kind to be made by the Gauteng Branch. In previous years, their donations funded the building of the Kirkby and Jacques House Swimming Pool facility, as well as the paving of the Wyvern parking lot – both which have added huge value to our school. Our sincerest thanks go to our OKs in Gauteng, for their generous donation, which will be put towards the Legends Bursary Fund, an incredibly special cause. If you would like to learn more about the Legends Fund, please click here.
These events do not just simply happen, and special thanks must be made to Carey and Dee Hobson who drove all the way up to Johannesburg with golf prizes and memorabilia to run the day. Our thanks to Danel Pruissen and Tracy van Molendorff (Senior Head) from Kingswood, who especially rearranged their travel plans to attend the event. Our gratitude to Sam Morrison (Hon OK), who once again went above and beyond to organise a seamlessly successful day. Thank you for ongoing loyalty to Kingswood, and ensuring that the Gauteng Branch continues to be the life blood of the OK Club community. Last, but certainly not least, to each and every Old Kingswoodian, and member of the Kingswood family in Johannesburg – thank you for your unwavering support of our school – we appreciate it.