Yesterday, the Kingswoodian Club hosted the annual Seniors Luncheon in Port Alfred. This is always a wonderful opportunity to get together, and celebrate another year in Kingswood style!
At the end of every year, the Kingswoodian Club invites it’s venerable, local seniors to the Port Alfred Seniors Luncheon, which takes place at the Royal Port Alfred Golf Club. This is always an event that is much anticipated, and it creates a wonderful opportunity to get together, share stories, and celebrate another successful year in the Kingswood calendar. The invited guests this year included Old Kingswoodians, staff, past-staff, past parents and friends of Kingswood.
College Head, Mr Leon Grove addressed the guests, and spoke about the successes of the year at Kingswood. Mr Brian Stocks (OK 1965) then addressed the luncheon guests, and remarked on the great success of the year, and the work currently being done at Kingswood.
The Royal Port Alfred Golf Club served a splendid meal, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all! Thank you to Bram and his team for the delicious meal.
The Kingswoodian Club thanks and honors all it’s seniors for joining us at the event. Your legacies continue to live on at Kingswood, and add greatly to the beautiful tapestry that is our wonderful school. We wish you all a safe, blessed and happy festive season with your loved ones.