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Well known hymn writer and previous Headmaster of Kingswood College, Mr John Gardener (1971 – 1975) was admitted to the Order of Simon Cyrene (OSC) on the 13th of June.
With less than 60 recipients, the OSC is the highest award that can be given to an Anglican layperson. John was presented with this award during the opening Eucharist of the Diocese of Cape Town. In a citation, Bishop Joshua said, “John’s lifelong service to culture and society, and in particular for his service to education and for enriching our worship through his God-given gift of hymn writing”.
John’s tenure at Kingswood from 1971 to 1975, although short, was marked with several notable achievements. As Headmaster, he first put the idea of a Pre-Primary to Council, which would later become a pivotal part of the College. It was also under his leadership that the City Lords facility was purchased. Perhaps most notably, it was under his guide that Kingswood took the monumental step of moving towards co-education in 1973. It is safe to say that John added greatly to the Kingswood we know today.
John wrote Kingswood’s Centenary Hymn, which is still sung today. It is the fourth verse which perhaps best sums up John’s life:
Teach us, good Lord, to serve you well,
Faithful to you as is your right;
To give, and not to count the cost,
Nor heed the wounds that badge our fight
Well done, John, on this most wonderful achievement!
To read the full citation for this prestigious award, please click here
“Who will save our land and people”
by John Gardner (1983) [Hymns and Psalms #898]
Who will save our land and people?
Who can rescue us from wrong?
We are lost—faint, false, and foolish—
We have slighted God too long.
Save the people, Lord our Saviour,
Guide us home from country far;
Holy Fire, consume our rancours:
Thy Kingdom come—in Africa.
Make our land as clean and wholesome
As the white of sea-washed sands;
Stretch our vision vast and boundless
As our brown-spread, dusty lands.
Make our people strong and steadfast
As the hills that claw our sky;
Hear our prayer for land and people:
“God bless Africa”, we cry.
We believe God is our Saviour;
Christ enough to heal our land.
He will use the Church, His servants:
We on earth His stretched-out hand.
May His Church in loving service,
Shown to all whose path is rough,
Give a clear, united witness,
And proclaim: “Christ is enough!”
Christ enough to break all barriers;
Christ enough in peace, is strife;
Christ enough to build our nation;
Christ enough for death, for life.
Christ enough for old and lonely;
Christ enough for those who fall;
Christ enough to save the sin-sick;
Christ enough for one—for all!