Opening a world of opportunity
Give the gift of a Kingswood education
A lack of educational opportunity is arguably the biggest social challenge of our time so at the forefront of the Kingswood Foundation’s future plans is to grow the scholarship and bursary funds, widening access to the life-changing opportunity a Kingswood education offers.
How to support Scholarships and Bursaries at Kingswood:
Scholarships or Bursaries can be supported through ongoing projects such as:
Or through donations to the Scholarship and Bursary Trust. Should you wish to speak about establishing an endowment or donate to an existing endowment to widen its impact, please contact the Foundation Office.
At their root, our scholarships and bursaries enable us to ensure that deserving and talented pupils can enrol at Kingswood, regardless of their background or capacity to pay. Beyond this they represent something much deeper.
Inclusivity and diversity are cornerstones in the character of all Kingswoodians and the whole Kingswood community (and beyond) is deeply enhanced and enriched through a pupil body that more accurately reflects the world in which they live and the world that they will enter when they leave.
Contact the Kingswood Foundation office ( to discuss opportunities to get involved. Whichever way you choose to give back and strengthen Kingswood, your generosity is appreciated.
Projects supporting scholarships and bursaries

The Legends Fund
The Legends Fund is a bursary fund that aims to give the opportunity of a Kingswood education to well-rounded children whose families don’t have the means or capacity to pay the fees. The Legends Fund was started in 2009 by a loyal group of Old Kingswoodians to raise funds to enable the son of a terminally-ill classmate to attend Kingswood. From there, the Fund quickly took on a life of its own in its growth, but it has never lost its soul: that of true Kingswoodian grit, spirit, character and family.

The Livestock Fund
The Kingswood’s Livestock Fund is a project set up by Old Kingswoodians in our local farming community in support of Legends Fund at Kingswood. You don’t need to be a farm owner to get involved, there are various ways to support the fund through donations or loans.

Bequest / Legacy
As you think about your connection with Kingswood College and your plans for the future, we invite you to consider leaving a gift to the future pupils of Kingswood in your will.
Legacies are often the most significant gift a person can make. Remembering a charity such as the Kingswood College Trust in your will can have a profound impact for generations and can be a very special way to create a legacy that transcends time.