The youth of Grahamstown are mourning.
Kingswood is grieving.
Tomorrow Kingswood College will join our brother and sister schools in Grahamstown to take a stand against gender-based violence and to stand in solidarity with all those who have been affected by violence in its various forms.
Schools need to take responsibility for the role they can play in changing our society. Nene herself was an activist and spoke out regularly about her views on gender and patriarchy. She would have led the march tomorrow.
It starts with us – we need to take a stand and turn this crisis into a connection with everyday inappropriate gender bias, toxic masculinity, superiority and entitlement.
Each one of us possess the power to be agents of change in our schools. Heads of schools, teachers, administrative staff, parents and pupils need to challenge stereotypical beliefs – it starts with us.
Together we can be the catalyst that builds a society where all who live in it, feel safe, and can thrive and flourish.