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Ever wondered what going to Olympics would be like? Well, now you can: from the perspective of an official, a player and a spectator.

Monday, 19 July 2021 at 19h00 (CAT / GMT +2). Click here to register.

The Olympic Games: the real story

Presenters: Mr Ian Melliar (Water Polo official and referee at Sydney 2000 Games) and Mr Paul Blake (SA field-hockey player at Beijing 2008 Games and spectator at PyeongChang 2018).

The Olympic Games is the most iconic sporting event on earth. This year’s Games in Tokyo will be rather unique due to the current COVID pandemic… but what is the whole Olympic experience actually like? This talk will give insight from two people who have been fortunate enough to experience three Olympic Games (Sydney 2000, Beijing 2008 and the Winter Olympics in PyeongChang 2018).

About the speakes:

Mr Ian Melliar and Mr Paul Blake are both current Kingswood College staff members. Ian, still very active as a referee in the South African water polo scene, was both a Water Polo official and referee at Sydney 2000 Games. Paul Blake represented South Africa as a field-hockey player at Beijing 2008 and attended the PyeongChang 2018 Games as a spectator.

Monday, 19 July 2021 at 19h00 (CAT / GMT +2). Click here to register.