Bookings are open for the K-Day Reunions! Find the links below to book your tickets.

Campus hasn’t been the same without you! Which is why we are throwing parties like no other in March, June AND July in 2022!

The perfect antidote to pandemic isolation, our reunion events will be a hybrid gathering of friends across decades. It’s a chance for alums in contiguous classes from the 1960s to 2012 to reunite after so long, to reminisce, and to feel the Kingswood magic again.

This page will be updated with additional details about the celebration as they become available. Until then, save the date for your reunion:

17 – 20 March 2022

  • 40th Reunion for the Class of 1982 (Complete)

16 – 18 June 2022 (K-Day Weekend)

  • 10th Reunion for the Classes of 2010,2011,2012   
  • 20th Reunion for the Classes of 2001,2002                             
  • 30th Reunion for the Classes of 1990,1991,1992                   
  • 40th Reunion for the Classes of 1980,1981

08 – 10 July (Home fixtures vs Woodridge)

  • 50th Reunion for the Classes of 1970,1971,1972   
  • 60th Reunion for the Classes of 1960,1961,1962

To get in touch with your class/grade representative, please contact Mr. Carey Hobson in the OK Club for their contact details: 046 603 6626 /

16 – 18 June 2022 (K-Day Weekend) Programme

Thursday 16 June

15h00Registration in the Wyvern
17h00Class of 91 Thanks
18h30Gala Reunion Dinner in the HPC (Online Booking)

Friday 17 June

09h30Chapel Service
10h00Champagne Brunch in the Museum followed by group photos on Cops Lawn (Online Booking)
11h00Tour of Kingswood Campus
13h00Lunch at the Wyvern – Burger and Chips (Online Booking)
Friday afternoon at leisure
18h00Join the K-Day party at the Wyvern

Saturday 18 June

 All DayWatch K-Day Sport that will take place at SAC/DSG

Sunday 19 June

09h30Breakfast in the Museum (Online Booking)