On Thursday, 24th of November, the Old Kingswoodian Club hosted its annual seniors luncheon at The Royal Port Alfred Golf Club.
Returning from a hiatus due to the Covid 19 pandemic, this function was finally able to happen again, and the result was an afternoon filled with wonderful storytelling, laughs and fellowship.
We welcomed over 35 Kingswoodians, past parents as well as past staff members to the Royal Port Alfred Golf Club where we were treated to a wonderful meal. Mr Carey Hobson spoke about the importance of legacy at Kingswood and remarked upon the legacies that had been left behind at Kingswood through those sitting in the room. It is through these legacies that we are able to continue to weave Kingswood Golden Thread through generations, and for that our school will forever be grateful to the steadfast support and commitment shown by our older generations of Kingswoodians. We were also able to enjoy various YouTube Clips, including a wonderful story told by the late Tommy Hartzenberg. If you would like to watch this, please follow the link.
A special word of thanks to Mrs Shirley Fletcher, who accompanied us for the afternoon. Shirley has been involved at Kingswood for 48 years, first as a teacher, and more recently as the Museum Archivist. She emanates Kingswood spirit and is a highly respected and treasured member of the broader Kingswood community.
We thank each and every one of the Kingswoodians who were able to join us, and we wish you a safe and blessed Christmas.
Brian (OK 1960) and Marion McFarlane
Douglas Walters (OK 1956) and Dennis Stirk (OK 1952)
Keith Beaumont (OK 1964), Megan Erasmus (OK 2005) and Lynda Beaumont
Standing: Bob Shaw (OK 1965), Hugh Collett (OK 1966), Brian Connock (OK 1965). Seated: Brian Stocks (OK 1965), Herbert (Tabs) Fox (OK 1966), Michael Knight (OK 1966)
Past teachers; Sandy Shaw and Margie Thomas
Dennis Stirk (OK 1952), Benje Behm (OK 1963) and Justin de Wet-Steyn (OK 1963)
Sandy Shaw, Margie Thomas and Shirley Fletcher
Standing: Robin Dickie (OK 1961), Bob Shaw (OK 1965), Benje Behm (OK 1963), John Kingon (OK 1964), Keith Beaumont (OK 1964), Justin de Wet-Steyn (OK 1963). Seated: Mitford Thomson (OK 1961), Norman Elliott (OK 1963), Dennis Newcombe (OK 1963)
Left: Dennis Newcombe (OK 1961), Robin Dickie (OK 1961), Marie Dickie, Norman Elliott (OK 1963), Lorna Clayton. Right: Mitford Thomson (OK 1961), Justin de Wet-Steyn (OK 1963), Keith Beaumont (OK 1964), Lynda Beaumont, Benje Behm (OK 1963), Rowland Clayton (OK 1957). Standing: Bob Shaw (OK 1965)
Left: Maggie Connock, Brian Connock (OK 1965), Amanda Serfontein, Hugh Collett (OK 1966). Centre: Michael Knight (OK 1966). Right: Sandy Shaw (past teacher), Brian Stocks (OK 1965), Liz Kingon, John Kingon (OK 1964)
Left: Rowland Clayton (OK 1957), Benje Behm (OK 1963), Lynda Beaumont, Keith Beaumont (OK 1964), Justin de Wet-Steyn (OK 1963), Mitford Thomson (OK 1961). Right: Lorna Clayton, Norman Elliott (OK 1963), Marie Dickie, Robin Dickie (OK 1963), Dennis Newcombe (OK 1961)
Moira Stirk, Dennis Stirk (OK 1952), Jim Truscott (OK 1955) and Maureen Truscott
Douglas Walters (OK 1956), Marion McFarlane, Bruce McFarlane (OK 1960), Wendy Immelman and Jan Immelman (Past Headmaster)
Carey Hobson (OK 1974)