The Old Kingswoodian Club welcomed the Class of 2023 as new members by presenting them with their OK ties and certificates on Sunday the 8th of October.

The Kingswood family gathered yesterday afternoon for the annual OK Club Tie Presentation Ceremony. In a break from the rain, the Jubilee Pathway was lined as the sun shone for what has become a symbolic end for the Matrics and Gap Year Pupils. The presentation of the OK Club tie marks the end of their school journey, and the beginning of a new, Old Kingswoodian journey.

President of the OK Club, Mr Chris Hobson and Active Vice President, Mr Richard Gaybba presented over 80 pupils with their certificates and ties. For those Matrics and Gap Year Pupils whose parents were themselves OKs, they were presented their ties by their parents as a meaningful gesture, symbolising the continuation of the Kingswood legacy.

This year we welcomed guest speaker Angus Sholto-Douglas (OK 1988). Angus is not only an Old Kingswoodian himself, but he is also a Matric parent as well as a member of the Kingswood College Council. He spoke to the Class of 2023 about the significance of being an Old Kingswoodian, and shared advice on embracing the next stage of their journey. Thank you for sharing with us. It was wonderful that you could be a part of the ceremony.

The Class of 2023 handed over the money raised as a class throughout the year to The Legends Fund. A record breaking amount of R35 000 was handed over to Mr Chris Hobson. This money will go towards bursaries given by The Legends Fund.

The Junior School boarders delivered their rendition of the school war-cry to end off this significant ceremony.

Welcome to the Old Kingswoodian Club! We wish the Class of 2023 all the best with their exams.