Gauteng OK Club 2021 Golf Day & Dinner
Old Kingswoodians and friends of Kingswood, please join us for a fantastic day of golf at the Wanderers Golf Club on Friday the 9th of July in support of the OK Club Gauteng branch.
Old Kingswoodians and friends of Kingswood, please join us for a fantastic day of golf at the Wanderers Golf Club on Friday the 9th of July in support of the OK Club Gauteng branch.
Leadership Institute Short Course: “Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others” – Jack Welch. Join Dave Stevens (OK 1998) from Legitimate Leadership as he shares the secret to true leadership, in your own life and in the lives of those you lead.
Monday 14 June. Register to attend this virtual talk FREE!
Twenty-five pupils entered the Eastern Cape SASMT (South African Society of Music Teachers) Mini Maestro Digital Music Competition this year.