Kingswood College is honoured to announce the establishment of The Michael Bandey Scholarship, a prestigious new scholarship made possible through the generous endowment of the WEM Foundation. This scholarship has been created to honour the legacy of Mr. Michael Bandey, a beloved alumnus, past educator, and true master of Kingswood College.
The inaugural Kingswood Botswana Golf Day is set for February 2024. Please get in touch with the organisers to book your place on the course, or book out the date in your diary to join the KC Botswana community for a festive night out that evening!
Old Kingswoodians and friends of Kingswood, please save the date for The OK Club Southern Cape Branch Functions which are scheduled for the 14th and 15th of February.
Old Kingswoodians and friends of Kingswood, please save the date for The OK Club Karoo Branch Function which is scheduled for Friday the 7th of March 2025 in Graaff Reinet.