About the Kingswoodian Club
The Kingswoodian Club is the umbrella association for the broader Kingswood community, including not just Alumni, but past members of staff, parents, council members and invited friend of the College. All Alumni are automatically given life membership to the Kingswoodian Club on matriculating from Kingswood, as are their parents.
Membership structure:
- ACTIVE MEMBERS: All current parents fit into this category with subscription fees billed to school accounts.
- LIFE MEMBERS: When the last child leaves Kingswood the parents will become Life Members with no subscription fees payable.
- Any individuals who do not have direct ties with Kingswood but who, at the discretion of the committee, have served/supported the school with distinction, may be invited to join as Life Members.
- All Old Kingswoodians automatically become members of the Kingswoodian Club after completing Grade 12 at Kingswood
From the Wyvern Union to the Kingswoodian Club:
1973 – The founding of the Wyvern Union
The Wyvern Union was formed in 1973, in many parts, thanks to the influence of Mr John Gardener, then Headmaster of Kingswood College (1971-1975).
Not being an ‘Old Boy’ himself, John was acutely aware of the fact that he had no channel through which to identify with his school – and neither had Kingswood’s parents, or other long-serving and loyal friends of the College. Thus the idea of the Wyvern Union was born, to provide a focal point for the whole Kingswood family, not just the Old Boys of the time.
“The Wyvern Union would forge a bond that would strengthen the Kingswood connexion throughout the land.” Rev Kirkby, Once Upon A Frontier
1978 – The Wyvern opens its doors
The Wyvern Union needed a home – before 1978 members met first in the home of their first president (Mr Brian la Trobe) then briefly in Jagger House and later rented 14 Park Road from the College. Recognising the importance and significance of having a central point for all Kingswoodians to gather, the Kingswood College Council bequeathed the tennis pavilion and site to the Wyvern Union to establish a clubhouse.
The Wyvern we know today, opened its doors in 1978 and has been home ever since.
2015 – The evolution of the Union
In 2015 a decision was taken by the Wyvern Union and Old Kingswoodian Club Committee to jointly re-asses the Wyvern Union in an effort to revitalise it once more. The outcome of this was it’s evolution into the Kingswoodian Club: in essence founded on the original aims and principles of the Wyvern Union but now seen as the umbrella organisation for the broader Kingswood community, including Old Kingswoodians, past members of staff, parents, council members and invited friends of the College.
Chairmen of the Wyvern Union:
- 1975 – 76 Dr B.E. La Trobe
- 1978 – 85 GS Fletcher
- 1985 – 87 P.G. Mansfield
- 1987 – 92 B.M. Smith
- 1992 – 94 I. Gelvan
- 1994 – 97 G.S. Fletcher
- 1997 – 99 B.H.M. Smith
- 1999 – 02 A. Moss
- 2003 – 03 D. Thomas
- 2003 – 08 A.D Long
- 2008 – 13 A. Moss
- 2014 – 16 J. Wilmot
As the Kingswoodian Club falls under the auspices of the Old Kingswoodian Club, the management of the Wyvern fell to the Wyvern Committee in 2016 and the OK Club President took over the role of the Wyvern Union Chairman.