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Kingswood is nothing without the people make up our extended family. And it’s for this reason that the lines of communication between the Kingswoodian Club, Old Kingswoodians and friends of the College are always open.
We love it when you come to visit the campus whether it is to chat with your favorite teachers, pass knowledge on to current pupils or staff, or just check out what is new on campus and catch up with us.
The value of keeping in touch with us is also, of course, symbiotic. We love to keep up with your careers and life changes, but we also want you to be successful. Through networking events we hope to connect you to other Kingswoodians who could help you build your career, or maybe it’s about getting a personal recommendation or endorsement from staff.
As the Kingswood community continues to grow, that growth brings valuable connections within the community and beyond. Be part of this with us!