In a move designed to bring the sport of cricket to as many young learners as possible, an exciting initiative was launched at Kingswood College on Wednesday afternoon. e to many talented young people, especially in the sports arena, but very often this talent cannot be identified, nurtured or taken further, due to a lack of infrastructure and facilities. The Young Warriors Cricket Development Programme is a pilot project and takes the form of a partnership between three local primary schools (George Dickerson, St Mary’s and Grahamstown Primary), Kingswood College, the Rhodes University HKE (Human Kinetics & Ergonomics) Department and the Rhodes Community Engagement Office (RUCE), as well as the Gary Kirsten Foundation.
Kingswood is celebrating! Jacques house is turning 140 years old. If the fine stone walls that make up our majestic girls boarding house, Jacques House could talk: What would they say? What stories would they tell?
With the welcome rains and our return to the College campus, we look forward to an exciting and busy first term. It is such a great honour for me to head up such an important and historical institution and I would like to thank all our Kingswoodian families that have been so welcoming over the past few weeks. Makhanda is already beginning to feel like home. I look forward to the year and am cognizant of the challenges that I may face, however I look forward to serving the Kingswood community for many years to come.
Kingswood College is humbled and proud to announce the launch of our very first Legacy Scholarship, The Trevor Stewart Scholarship, for 2023. A fully funded scholarship for a child or grandchild of an Old Kingswoodian. This scholarship is named after its benefactor, Mr Trevor Stewart (OK 1963 Chubb).
The covid-19 pandemic has been a challenging time for the country and indeed the world, and the Kingswood College Matric class of 2020 must be congratulated on navigating this unchartered territory during their final academic year. Our class of 2020, gathered a total of 95 distinctions amongst themselves.
And just like that, a new chapter begins for our new Kingswoodians. We are so grateful that the Covid-19 pandemic has still allowed us to celebrate and mark this momentous occasion in the lives of the families who have joined our school.
With three days of non-stop cricket and the opportunity to meet, train and learn from some of the best, the Kingswood College Cricket Clinic, which kicked off yesterday, is the perfect start to the upcoming cricket season.
Presented at the Academic Awards Assembly held on the 7th of October 2021, these reflect the results from Term 2 in 2021. Congratulations to the four Academic Honours Award recipients.
This year for Women’s Month we decided to have our current young Kingswoodian women share messages of encouragement, support and advice with their peers and the wider Kingswood community.
Inspired by the UN’s World Creativity and Innovation Day that was celebrated in April our Junior School hosted a Science, Creativity and Technology Day yesterday. Check out what the Preppies did on the day.