Renaming ceremony in honour of Reverend Dr Simon Gqubule

“…Renaming Burton Street after Rev Dr Simon Gqubule is not about trying to wipe away our past. It is about continuing our journey, into the future with the grace, vision, passion for education and zest for life that embodied the man that was Simon Gqubule. He is now part of our history, part of the fabric of our school, our country and our journey…” – Mr Warrick Strachan (Chairman of the Kingswood College Council)


Spirituality Team Induction Service

This morning we live-streamed our Spirituality Team Members’ Induction Service. COVID-19 has delayed this service but we were glad to finally induct and pray for those who serve in different ministries here at Kingswood.


Kingswood College celebrates the Matric Class of 2020

The covid-19 pandemic has been a challenging time for the country and indeed the world, and the Kingswood College Matric class of 2020 must be congratulated on navigating this unchartered territory during their final academic year. Our class of 2020, gathered a total of 95 distinctions amongst themselves.


Academic Awards for Term 1, 2021

Presented at the Academic Awards Assembly held on the 8th February 2021, these reflect the results from Term 3 in 2020. Congratulations to our Honours Award recipients: Colby, Anke, Daniel, Jenna-Rose and Anna!


Dr Fred Oosthuizen Gets Highest Old Kingswoodian Award

At the annual OK Tie Ceremony Held yesterday, Dr Fred Oosthuizen was awarded an Honorary Life Vice-Presidency of the OK Club. Since Kingswood’s founding in 1894, only 33 recipients have been given this award and in this particular case, the decision was a unanimous one…

CLUB NEWSNEWS Mphokolo Makara Dr Sarah Kraus

Women’s Month Series – Dr Sarah Kraus (OK 1999)

Women’s Month Series: “…The bigger your successes, the more likely you are to have big failures. Don’t be afraid of them, they’re important. You will probably learn more from your failures than your successes and they might actually enable you to become successful in a way you did not anticipate…” – Sarah Kraus ‘1999