Talia Aliber who comes from Alice achieved an overall average of 91%. She bagged eight (8) distinctions for Afrikaans 1st Additional Language, English Home Language, German Second Additional Language, Life Orientation, History, Mathematics, Physical Science and Visual Arts.
The covid-19 pandemic has been a challenging time for the country and indeed the world, and the Kingswood College Matric class of 2020 must be congratulated on navigating this unchartered territory during their final academic year. Our class of 2020, gathered a total of 95 distinctions amongst themselves.
To Qualify for Academic Honours, one must achieve a total of 580 marks (an 83% mark average). It is the highest academic achievements that can be awarded. Well done Anna!
To Qualify for Academic Honours, one must achieve a total of 580 marks (an 83% mark average). It is the highest academic achievements that can be awarded. Congratulations Daniel!
To Qualify for Academic Honours, one must achieve a total of 580 marks (an 83% mark average). It is the highest academic achievements that can be awarded. Well done Jenna!
To Qualify for Academic Honours, one must achieve a total of 580 marks (an 83% mark average). It is the highest academic achievements that can be awarded. Congratulations Colby!
To Qualify for Academic Honours, one must achieve a total of 580 marks (an 83% mark average). It is the highest academic achievements that can be awarded. Congratulations Anke!
Presented at the Academic Awards Assembly held on the 8th February 2021, these reflect the results from Term 3 in 2020. Congratulations to our Honours Award recipients: Colby, Anke, Daniel, Jenna-Rose and Anna!
As we end the week today, we share with you some of our Matric pupil’s artworks from the year.
For this week’s #MusicMonday our Junior School musicians offer to us another spellbinding ‘Virtual Sundowner Music Concert’.