Kingswood’s Golden Thread shines at Grandparents Day – 2024
Generations of Kingswoodians came together for a day of celebrations at Grandparents Day on Friday.
makhanda branch news
Generations of Kingswoodians came together for a day of celebrations at Grandparents Day on Friday.
Mr Buster Brotherton (OK 1949), 3 June 1932 – 4 May 202
On the 15th of March, Lynda (OK 1982) jumped into the icy Atlantic waters in Cape Town and completed the notoriously difficult Robben Island Crossing.
Mrs Tracy van Molendorff has been presented with an Honorary Old Kingswoodian Award. Click here to read the citation for the prestigious award.
Mrs Dee Hobson has been presented with an Honorary Old Kingswoodian Award. Click here to read the citation for the prestigious award.
At the Old Kingswoodian Club AGM on Saturday, Mrs Dee Hobson and Mrs Tracy van Molendorff were presented with the prestigious Honorary Old Kingswoodian Award, for their exceptional service to the Kingswood and Old Kingswoodian Community.
The Old Kingswoodian Club looks forward to welcoming back the Classes of 1973, 1974 and 1975 for their combined 50th reunion. Join us in celebrating Kingswood together.
Warne Rippon (OK 1984) is a passionate conservationist, and has been recognised for his exemplary work within the field as one of six finalists for the Beretta and SCI Foundation Conservation Leadership Award.
On Saturday, College Head, Mr Leon Grové joined various stakeholders at the Makhanda Education Summit, to celebrate the strides made in achieving the goal of turning our city in to a Centre for Educational Excellence.
Last week the Kingswood College 1st XI took on the Stanley’s Cricket Club. The team was made up of a record eight Old Kingswoodians as well as two current parents!